Thursday, September 29, 2005

Why I like October

Okay, I know I still have one more official day of September to get through, but here's why I can't wait for October to get here!!!

October 1st - floor seats at Madison Square Garden

October 7th - balcony room

October 16th - the season starts

October 26th - Z-man's fifth birthday (this picture is old)

October 31st - funnest holiday (yes, I do know "funnest" is not a word)

And don't forget to pick 'em and bake 'em!! So long, September.


chris said...

I am SOOO JEALOUS of your Paul McCartney tickets!!! That is going to be INCREDIBLE. I would trade having "Lost" use the DH's work parking lot ANYDAY for those seats! I'm sure you'll have an awesome time on your cruise. I've never gone apple picking; I hope I get a chance to do that at least once in my life. Fresh baked apple pie- yum! The freshest mine have ever been has been with apples fresh from the store. :P I can only imagine how much better they taste when YOU get to pick them right off the tree.

knittinmom said...

Wow - quite the month you've got planned there! We're still trying to squeeze in apple picking somewhere, but we might have to settle for picking pumpkins and going through the corn maze since the apples closest to us didn't do so hot this year...

Jen said...

did you see that there's a knock off of Dancing with the Stars, but substitute figure skating for dancing?

I used to work with a girl who dated one of the professionals who's slated to be on the show. It was a bit hokey, but she took us backstage and we ended up meeting him and his skating partner and getting autographs from the rest of the champions on ice crowd. Ah the memories.

Sounds like a great month!

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