I'm warning you now, this post just may show you how truly warped I am, and how reading my blog may have been a horrid lapse of judgment on your part. Read on at your own risk!!
So, I was blog surfing during a quasi-lunch-break at work today and came across this post at Crazy Aunt Purl's blog. What was I most excited about? The "famous" house-guest? The fun no-muss no-fuss knitting dinner party? Sorry, no. I was most excited about her mention of the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser!!!!!
Let me tell you, the Magic Eraser was flown down from heaven on the wings of angels. This thing will clean anything . . . ANYTHING!!! Until we replace our kitchen floor, it's a dull shade of grey . . . but Magic Eraser makes it white again. Stains in the tub, gone!! Trust me, you gotta try it.
So, in case you couldn't tell, I've always had myself a little crush on Mr. Clean. But alas, it was not meant to be. Why, you may ask? Silly reader, Mr. Clean is clearly gay. Let's face it, hot body . . . very neat . . . and clean . . . and the ear-ring. Come on, just go look. Oh well, he wasn't the first gay man I've had a crush on, and I'm sure he won't be the last.
So, enough on my love life, let's move on to a little yarn porn. Pea indulged me in a little Stash Enhancement eXpedition on Saturday. (I don't want to just use the acronym after my Mr. Clean rambling -I'll pop up on all kinds of keyword searches for sure!) We went to a newish LYS - they've been there for 8 months, but it was the first time I had visited. It was the coolest yarn store ever!!! Don't believe me? Just look at the shopping bag!! It almost makes you want to buy yarn just to get the bag. (Of course, I had my yarn all picked out before I actually saw the bag . . . it was just the icing on the cake.)
Anyway, I had some Christmas money burning a hole in my pocket, so this is what I got. (Yes, yes, I know Christmas was 10 months ago . . . . I like to save . . . okay, hoard . . . gift money for the perfect occasion).This is an adorable lambie tape measure that I just couldn't resist. He's resting comfortably on two balls of Kid Merino by Crystal Palace Yarns. It is very very much like Kidsilk Haze. Why did I buy it, when I have struggled so much with Kidsilk Haze that I haven't touched Airy Scarf in over a month? I don't know. Maybe because the colors are so pretty (even with the bad lighting, they came through pretty well). Or maybe because the ball of Kidsilk Haze cost me $15, and these were only $5.25 each. In any case, I will master Airy Scarf . . . and then make a few more in these gorgeous colors!!
Next up is some light blue Lush Angora Wool from Classic Elite Yarns. It seems really soft and snuggly and warm . . . I have no idea what I want to make with it, but I know it will be great. Actually, I have some soft grey yarn I bought in New Orleans in July that might go great with this blue.
And last but certainly not least, this awesome green Alpaca and Silk from Blue Sky Alpacas. I know, I know, I've said I like neutral colors and earth tones. But when I saw this green, I fell in love. You would not believe how soft it is. I'm thinking some kind of top, whatever I have enough yarn for. It would make a nice tank top for layering in the winter.
It really is a shame I didn't snap these pictures while it was light out, but that's getting tough now that fall is here. Waa, the daylight hours are waning. And it's COLD!! We've begun using the furnace. How depressing. I'm off to cry frozen tears.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Mr. Clean & Monday yarn porn
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Where to begin?!! That Lush Angora Wool looks just heavenly. Such a beautiful color, too! And that green Alpaca and Silk...well, you're just lucky you don't live in Hawaii or I'd find an excuse to "borrow" some. The lamb tape measure is so cute!! And the Kid Merino is great, too. How about that price??! I don't think I could've resisted either. I'm the same way about hoarding gift money- I plan it down to the last penny.
I was wondering about the Mr. Clean eraser! I saw the ads on tv and it looked pretty convincing, but well, that's kind of their job, right? Looks like I'll be plopping down some money for one of those soon. BTW, my whole freshman year in college was wasted on a crush I had on "someone who played for a different team." ;-)
you know, starfish said the same thing about mr. clean. he said something to the effect that him and the brawny guy were meant for each other since they're both in the cleaning business. i'm not even going to get into the conversation/argument we had about bert & ernie. i'm sorry, but ernie's my favorite sesame street character, and ain't no way i'm letting starfish touch that one!
on another note, the yarn porn is sooooo nice. i don't even know where to begin. but i will say this: that shopping bag definitely makes me want to buy yarn just to get the bag :)
you're in perfect sweater weather and you've got new yarn! i would cry tears of happiness :)
he he... just so you know, mr. clean magic erasers don't work so well on children's marker drawings on white walls! Looks like I'll have to get over to Knotty girl again soon! How is everything???
Wow, that is some yummy yarn. I am jealous. That Alpaca & Silk is something else!
I love, love, LOVE those magic erasers. When we moved out of our last house, we made the paint job look practically new again with those things. I haven't yet had to use them on marker, though - poor Christine!
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