Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The end of the 2006 gift knitting!!

Happy New Year!! Hope everyone had fun. We always spend New Year's at the same friend's house with our close-knit group of pals. And yes, there absolutely was knitting!!! My friend Dave wanted me to teach him to knit, so I packed up assorted balls of yarn, some needles, and my copy of Stitch N Bitch. Unfortunately, his lesson lasted all of three minutes before he decided knitting was harder than he thought. I gifted the needles to him and loaned him the book, and he's promised to try again at home. I tried to make him take the yarn too, even though he said he has some at home. I hope it isn't acrylic. (Kidding - well, mostly.)

After the three minute knitting lesson ended, I spend another half-hour with my needles, finishing up my last Christmas knit. Poor Pea, his slippers were pushed to the bottom of the list because I lost so much secret knitting time when he was home sick before Christmas. But at least I got them finished before 2007!!

Aunt Maggie's Slippers
Cast On: 8 December 2006
Completed: 31 December 2006
Lion Wool-Ease - Wheat (402) and Forest Green Heather (180)
Clover Bamboo Straights, Size 9

Another recently finished Christmas knit was a pair of Fetchings for my best friend. These were finished the day before we exchanged gifts, and I was worried they might not dry overnight from their blocking. Luckily, they did, so they were wrapped and ready when I saw her!

Fetching from Knitty
Cast On: 21 December 2006
Completed: 29 December 2006
Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran - 300004
Clover Size 6 DPN's

It felt really good to get back into the old routine today. The house got a well needed cleaning after all of the holiday neglect. I was so happy to cook a nice (and healthy) dinner for tonight too. Pea wasn't too thrilled to be going back to work, but I think he made it through just fine!! As for me, I'm ready for some greedy knitting for myself now that the holidays are over. Looks like I'm not the only one!! (Click button for more info.)


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for linking to that Not a Gift! I need to join toute de suite. Those slippers look so comfy--and I love the way the slippers have a visual structure.

AmyArtisan said...

The slippers look great - I've bookmarked the pattern. :)

I'm loving the "not a gift" - will have to join. I was commenting to my Mom yesterday about the Bejeweled I'm currently working on - would make a great birthday gift for a friend but I'm keeping this one for me. :)

MissyJoon said...

I just popped over to join along with the knitting for me friends! My Bejeweled, Clapotis, and our socks are on my list. I am so excited! xxoo

those fetchings are so lovely!

Anonymous said...

Awww, I love these slippers - they look so comfy and warm, just perfect! And your Fetchings rock big time, they're just the most amazing pattern, don't you think? Fantastic work, my friend!

Anonymous said...

I'm all about the selfish knitting right now. I completely understand!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great holiday. Cute slippers. It must feel good to have gotten all of your holiday knitting done!

Sonya said...

It is nice to get back into a groove. That's what I was thinking today as I was painting over male genitalia graffiti in the men's room at the library. ;o)

Your FOs look great, as always. I bet Pea will get a lot of use out of the slippers.

Olga said...

Happy New Year, Karen! You deserve to knit something for yourself, after that mammoth list of holiday knits you whipped through! I myself am trying not to put ten new projects on the needles at once.

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