Thursday, January 18, 2007

From the depths of the WIP basket

Sunday morning I dove deep into the WIP basket and came up with this.

It had been sent for a time-out because after trying to finish the picot bottom twice, with two different techniques, it still looked like crap. So, I set about ripping back once more. Then, I re-knit the picot and tried the "tack down the live stitches" method. It worked like a charm, and on Monday morning I was ready to tackle the sleeves. Hurrah for tiny "sleeves", because on Monday afternoon . . .

we had blocking!!!!

The bad news is that we've had damp, rainy weather that hasn't been conducive to drying a FO. Luckily, yesterday and today have been dry and cold, so it's almost dry now. I'll have a modeled for picture for you in the next post - provided it fits me. I think it will, the pre-blocking fit was very good, just a little snug. Hopefully the yarn bloomed just the right amount for a perfect post-block fit!!


Anonymous said...

It looks great!

Anonymous said...

can't wait to see it on you. what a stark contrast it will make from the weather lately!

Judy said...

What a great color. It looks fun to wear. Good job.

Nancy said...

Pretty color! You sent it for a "time-out"!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Oh I had to laugh because I too have a picovoli in my wip pile that is only maybe an hour from being ready to wear. :)

CPAKnit said...

I love the detail and shaping of this sweater- thanks for the link to the pattern.

Sourire11 said...

very cute! - I love that color - and Yeah for the edging finally working out for you! How did you like the shine sport? I've heard mixed reviews but I've never actually used it myself...

~Kristie said...

Good For You! I brought a UFO with me on my trip & have actually been working on it. I can't wait to take it home to block. Isn't it a great feeling!

christine karr said...

You go, girl!
Great color!

Hey, I tried to comment on your last post, which I thought was hilarious (a little split personality, you Gemini you?), but I couldn't get the comments to open up. Probably a traffic issue.

Anonymous said...

I love that pattern...have always wanted to make one for myself...I can't wait to see the diva photo!

Sonya said...

Oh, so pretty! I need to try to shrink mine. I don't know if I totally knit the wrong size or if it stretched during blocking. I really love the color of yours.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, Aaaah! This is gorgeous! I've yet to complete my Picovoli as the gauge was so off that it had to be completely frogged. I can't wait to see a picture of you wearing it for us!

Jenn said...

Good on you for finishing up those UFOs!

Zonda said...

That looks really nice! Can't wait to see it modeled! Way to finish a WIP!! See it needed that time out so you could finish it and not go crazy! :)

AmyArtisan said...

The sweater looks great! Yay for finishing it! :)

amandazen said...

Congrats on the finish! It is a great color!


Ragan said...

Hurray!!!! Congrats on finishing an is so cute!

Anonymous said...

I've seen that pattern before and am seriously consiering it. (Mainly because it looks like it would look decent on someone with a little "more" on top, LOL!) I have some Lorna's Laces I've been saving.

Love the color, too.

Sorry I haven't been commenting lately. Just lurking around....

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is absolutely beeatiful! Often it's really the best to just put projects that don't work out into the WIP-bag for a while - usually when they're taken out again they'll be done in no time! And your Picovoli turned out so beautiful - I'm looking forward to seeing modelled shots!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I love the color :o)

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