Sunday, December 31, 2006

I'm so Spoiled - Part 2

Hello again!! Remember in my last post where I said I was glad to have the Holiday Hustle and Bustle over with? I guess I was just fooling myself into thinking it was over, because it clearly wasn't. We've had parties and get-togethers keeping us busy most of the week. On Tuesday our holiday obligations will finally be finished and our lives can get back to normal. And hopefully, my blogging can get back to normal as well!!

I thought I'd wrap up 2006 by posting the rest of my knitterly Christmas gifts. I supposed my loved ones are more convinced this year that the knitting "will stick" . . . . as opposed to being a fad that passes a few months after I throw myself into it. (Yes, yes, I may be known for that!!) There were quite a few knitting gifts under the tree this year!

The first batch is from Pea. Knitterly gifts found their way under the tree and also into my stocking! My stocking held the mini Kacha counter, the Chibi and the Lantern Moon black sheep tape measure. Since our stockings are so big, the latest issue of knit.1 was also tucked in there!! And under the tree I found the Heal My Hands I'd been hoping for, all four sizes of the Knit Picks DPNs and enough Cinnamon Andean Silk to knit A Cardigan for Arwen!! He also picked out a great skein of sock yarn . . . . which I may have cast-on while eating breakfast on Christmas morning. (I just couldn't resist!!) It's the new Austermann Step, (I've got color-way 01 -laub). This is the new yarn with aloe vera and jojoba right in it to soften your feet (and your hands while knitting). I wondered if such a thing would really work, as my fingers do get very dry and chapped as I knit. So far, that hasn't happened while working with this yarn, and it is very nice to knit with. No splitting or anything, it just runs smoothly over the needles. I can't wait to see how it wears.

Up next, some gifts from my parents and my best friend. My mom buys me a page-a-day calendar each year, and last year I asked for the Knitting Pattern A Day version. As it turned out, the patterns it contained weren't really to my taste, so the only request I had this year was that I DIDN'T get that one! She did a great job in choosing the Stitch 'n Bitch calendar - I can't wait to see what's in there. (Yes, I'm one of those people who thinks it's a sin to look ahead in the calendar. I won't even take it out of the box until tomorrow.) She also surprised me by picking out some yarn! I told her I'd always figured she'd never try, because she would think she didn't know what to pick. (Although I have to say, almost any yarn is good yarn, and you can always find a project for any amount!!) She did admit that it took her a very, very long time, but look how great she did!! A skein of Lana Grossa self-patterning sock wool that will be very entertaining to knit up, and a skein of Noro Kureyon! I've been dying to try some Noro, and I've been surfing around looking for the perfect project for this ball of yarn. I've got several possibilities, but think I've settled on the Kristina bag. I love the look of it, and I know I would get a lot of use out of it. It would also push me to finally try my hand at color-work! Lastly, the two books on the right are from my best friend. A Good Yarn is a knitting novel, perfect for when my hands need a bit of a rest. And the new book One-Skein Wonders! I had just been flipping through that book at Barnes & Noble and had planned to keep it in mind when my birthday rolls around. I was thrilled not to have to wait all the way until May for it!! I looked through it quite a bit yesterday, and it is filled with great patterns. One of the best things about it is that the chapters are arranged by yarn weights, so when you find a random ball of yarn in your stash, you can flip to the chapter that matches it's weight and ponder your options!

I guess I've got plenty to keep me inspired for knitting in the New Year! I want to thank you all for your friendship and comments in 2006. I consider myself very lucky to have stumbled into the world of blogging and to have met such loving and supportive friends. I look forward to sharing another year with you all!

Have a wonderful time tonight, and if you venture out to celebrate, please be sure to be safe. Happy New Year!


MissyJoon said...

I loved the book A Good Yarn!!! you will too. All your yarn is beautiful, and I nevy your book collection. You are so lucky to have all this new inspiration for projects!!!

AmyArtisan said...

You were indeed knit spoiled this Christmas! I got the One-Skein Wonders book under the tree as well - & am looking forward to making several things from it in the coming months. :)

I've enjoyed getting to know you through blogging this year - Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Your family and friends really know you well! What great gifts. Happy New Year!

LavenderSheep said...

My friend Sarah of Knot Another Hat has a pattern in the One Skein Wonders book. Her's is the hat with the scalloped edge. We are going to have a party for the book and convince her to sign it!

Confessions of a Knitting Diva said...

I think that you are not "spoiled" just loved very much!! (That is what I tell myself about my kids!) I really like all the goodies you received. The best part is that you can remember the person who gave you the wonderful stuff whenever you knit with it and/or wear the knitted item. Have a great New Year's Eve!!

Sonya said...

You pulled in a great knitting haul! I got the same ka-cha counter and I love it. The Andean silk color is perfect for Arwen. Happy New Year, Karen! I'm glad we "met."

Anonymous said...

You had a great knitting Christmas, and I can't wait to see what you do with it all!

Anonymous said...

Nice pile 'o goodies you've got there! ;o)

Happy New Year!

TECHknitter said...

Happy New year--looks like you have lots of projects to dig into in 2007

carrie said...

fantastic haul! your friends and fam really know you. (i got "a good yarn" for christmas too!)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful gifts. Your mom did and an excellent job of picking out yarns!

Happy New Year!

Kym said...

you made out like a knitting bandit!! awesome!

I got a bunch of books - I don't know what to make next...

Happy New Year to you and Pea. I too feel like the blog community is a great thing to be a part of :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a haul! You'll be very busy in the new year, that's for sure! ;)
Happy New Year!

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Awww, love your stocking! The kacha-kacha and the Chibi are esp. adorable!! Tell me how you find the knitpicks needles, I've been wanting to check them out...

Sourire11 said...

Happy New Years!

And yeah for knitterly gifts - I love that you cast on for your sock during breakfast by the way... I have a skein of that yarn in line for my next pair of socks, too!

Melissa said...

You are rotten! And you just reminded me that I need to go to Books A Million and snag a 1/2 price Stitch and Bitch calendar.

~Kristie said...


Obviously family members were paying attention to what you wanted for Christmas because you SCORED!! And .. you so deserve it!!

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