Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Because Kathy said I had to . . ..

This morning, Kathy left me a comment urging me to post again. It was exactly the push I needed to get me going.

Last week was a bad week. A really bad week. One of those weeks where you feel yourself spiraling farther and farther into a depression, but are helpless to pull yourself out. Luckily, I have so many wonderful friends, both old and new, who check up on me and lend support. Thank you all so much.

I also have a dear, sweet husband. He felt as helpless as I did, but somehow he knew just the right things to do. He sent me flowers to cheer my day. He made a call to an animal shelter so we could go meet a cute little kitty we'd been looking at on-line. We actually met many cute little kitties - but seeing them all helped me realize it is still too soon for me to bring one home. I thought it wasn't, until I got there and couldn't help but cry (again). But I'm so glad I went, and I know in a few weeks or months or whatever, it will be the perfect time to bring one of them home.

After that, things seemed to start getting better. I had a long talk with Heidi, my best friend since sixth grade, who always helps me sort things out. And next week, I'm taking Amtrak to New Hampshire for a little visit with her and the boys! I can't wait, and it's so nice to have something fun to look forward to.

So, things seem much better. I still miss Charlie so much. But it's different now. Still sad, but less smothering. I know there will always be an empty place where he was, but I know it won't always hurt so badly.

And with that, comes the feeling that it's time to get back to regular blogging and commenting and e-mailing. I've missed all of the communication with you, my friends. I've already got a post for tomorrow all planned out. I'll give you a sneak peak before I go . . .


Anonymous said...

It is really good to hear from you again. I hope this new week goes better for you. Hugs.

Twinkerbell said...

well, I hope all goes well for you this week. I'm very curious about that sneak peek :)

Macoco said...

Talking with and visiting friends always does wonders for cheering me up. I hope you have a great trip in NH.

kathy b said...

There is a shelter kitty just waiting for you. Maybe two kittens at once! Twins shall we say? When you are ready.
Cant wait to see what that pupley thing in the snow is!

Wannabe said...

Thinking of you my sweet friend. Mwah.

Maybe your trip will brighten your spirits a bit. I'm so sorry you had a craptastic week. :(

bmom said...

You'll know when the time is right for you. One day, it just happens.

Sarah said...

A trip might be just the ticket. So very sorry you've had a super crummy week...there seems to be a lot of that going around.

You'll know when it's right for a new kitty to come home with you. In due time.

: )

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about it being too soon. I felt like a bad furbaby mom when Amos died, because I didn't want to even look at my other three cats. Not that I didn't love them, but they reminded me too much of him.

A year later, and I still mourn for Amos, but you are right, it gets different. We are finally at a point where we can say "Remember when he.." and laugh and have those good memories.

And I am always happy to see you post again! :)

Kristin said...

I'm sorry that things have been so tough, it's good to see you back! :)

Sonya said...

I'm glad to hear you're starting to feel a little better. There's nothing worse than that feeling of depression washing over you in waves. You'll know when it's time for a new kitty. I think your trip to New Hampshire will do wonders too.

I'm intrigued by your knitting in the snow picture!

Olga said...

So happy to see you post again, and glad to hear that it's getting a little better. I missed you!

KT said...

I know it's tough, but I'm really glad to see you back. :)

Anonymous said...

It does take time, but I know you'll open your heart again when the time is right to a new cat that needs you. Don't rush the healing process, just let it come naturally.

I'm glad you've had people you can lean on right now and your trip to New Hampshire sounds like just what the dr ordered. Have a wonderful time.

What's that in the snow? The color is beautiful.

Jennifer said...


Nancy said...

I adopted my Beastie Boy Smokey about a month and a half after I had to put down my Pudge. Almost immediately, I found I could remember Pudge as a funny & silly guy and less about the loss. You'll know when it's right.

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

So glad you have a weekend jaunt planned!

knitseashore said...

It is still so hard, and it will be for a while. You can't help but wonder how the world has the nerve to go on, when your world has just stopped. And you notice other cats everywhere, which just makes you cry harder some days. But I promise, sooner or later, you will start to heal.

We adopted two new kitties within a month after our Charlie died, but the timing is different for everyone. In our case, we felt helpless there was nothing more we could do for him, but we could give another one a home, just like we did when he found us. I knew that Charlie would show us who he picked for us, and our new girls are about half each of his personality. One a sensitive old soul, and the other, a talkative playful tabby. Sometimes I see them sitting at the back window, looking out over where he's buried, and I just *know* they're giving him their daily report. Your Charlie will let you know when it's time, and who he's picked for you. Until then, ((hugs)) from all your blog friends to make you feel a little better.

Sourire11 said...

So glad to hear from you again!! And having something to look foward to is a great way to feel good again. Hope you have a wonderful trip!

thegabbyknitter said...

I'm so glad your feeling better and are blogging again!

Chrissy said...

Karen, I'm glad you're back. We're all here for you.

Ragan Knits etc... said...

We are all so glad to see you back. I am sure that you will have a wonderful trip to New Hampshire to visit Heidi. :o)
Sorry I haven't been commenting and emailing lately...this "sell our house" thing is really kicking my butt.

Ariel said...

I'm glad to hear things are getting a little better, and thrilled to see you posting again. Welcome back.

Jessica said...

I'm really glad you are sharing so much with all of us and (more importantly) that you are on the uphill climb now. Planning a fun trip sounds like the perfect thing to do. Be good to yourself!

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