Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Breaking the diet . . .

Here I am, back from my little trip to New Hampshire to visit with my best friend and her boys. Not wanting to arrive empty handed, I knit up some little treats to bring to them.

Cupcake Trio
Cupcake from One Skein
Cast On: 8 March 2008
Completed: 11 March 2008
Yarn: Scraps and Leftovers
Needles: Clover Bamboo US9 (5.5mm) DPNs and Clover Bamboo US5 (3.75mm) DPNs

Of course, knitted cupcakes don't really break any kind of diet. And a food diet is not the diet I'm referring to in my post title. That right, I broke the Yarn Diet!!


Oh yes, it's Malabrigo. It was 25% off. I don't see how I really had any other choice but to bring enough home for a sweater. Yes, I am disqualified from the Top 10 Stash Projects KAL. Yes, I have failed the Quarter of Fiscal Responsibility. But it's MALABRIGO. 25% OFF!!! And we have a really good tax return coming.

Tell me, you'd do the same thing, wouldn't you??


Chelle said...

If you are going to break the diet, that would be the one! (I mean, unless of course there was some pure cashmere in the room, LOL!)

I've considered going on a yarn diet as well, though I am actually planning a trip to MDSW this year.

I should have started saving months ago!

LOVE the color BTW...

Sarah said...

You know I would totally do the same thing. Without a second thought. Have fun with it!

Ragan Knits etc... said...

I don't see how you had any other choice AT ALL but to bring home enough for a sweater!
Wonderful choice!!!
Oh yes, and very cute cupcakes too.

Sourire11 said...

Malabrigo 25% off is completely justified. Plus it's malabrigo march! So what are you going to make with it?

Zonda said...

Ahuh! Would have done the same thing! :)

Anonymous said...

I say that finding such a good deal IS being fiscally responsible. ;) And diets (including yarn diets) don't count when you are on a trip.

Sonya said...

You better believe I'd have done the same thing! Gorgeous!

Twinkerbell said...

Simply lovely! Heck yes, It would be worth it for that kind of a discount, and for a highly loved yarn. I have yet to handle or even see any in person, but I hear it's wonderful stuff.

knitseashore said...

Staying on the diet up until now made way for the treat! It's like saving WW points up when you know you have a birthday party to attend on the weekend. :)

Vicki said...

Absitively posilutely! They are beautiful. And spending tax money (even if you haven't technically received it yet) doesn't count :)

Kristin said...

I am knitting my first project with Malabrigo right now and it is heavenly! I don't blame you a bit... :)

Laura said...

Not only is it Malabrigo, but it's a gorgeous colorway! Of course I'd do the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'd so do the same thing!!!
Life's short, buy yarn!

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

NOT buying it would have been just criminal!!

Jennifer said...

I would have so done that too! What a beautiful color you've picked up.

Qutecowgirl said...

Oh yeah I would and in fact I already went to my LYS and bought a bunch of nice yarn (including Malabrigio) Yarn Diet went right out the window.

~RaenWa~ said...

At 25% off yes I would have done the same thing and probably would have pushed anyone aside who tired to stop me LOL plus come on who doesn't need a sweater so you had to buy itto keep warm love the cupcakes

KT said...

Are you kidding? Most definitely. I just picked up a sweater's worth of Cascade 220 40% off despite my very serious intention to not be buying yarn for a while. Some deals you can't resist!

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

Those cupcakes are adorable!

Of course you had to buy yarn...it's Malabrigo at 25% off :)

Anonymous said...

Did you really break your diet? I thought sock yarn and Malabrigo didn't count as stash. At least, that's how I play. Anytime you can get Malabrigo on sale, you should buy as much as you can.

Glad to see you had a great trip and the cupcakes are adorable!

thegabbyknitter said...

Those cupcakes are so cute. I would have totally have done the same thing!

Yeah So said...

I think it's actually considered a crime if you DONT buy malabrigo when it's 25% off.

cpurl17 said...

How could you not?

Jessica said...

Oh yes. I *totally* would have done the same thing. Especially since I've been dying for brown yarn enough for a sweater lately. You go girl! You deserve a little pick me up. :)

kathy b said...

According to another knitter, from Austrailia I believe, you've simply had a "Stash accident" forgive yourself. Stash accidents happen. As long as no one got hurt....

KeanaLee said...

I would of done the same thing too! That is awesome.....loe the cutecakes!

Olga said...

Of course! (But you're talking to the girl who just bought a sweater's worth of Calmer b/c it was on sale, also.) Don't forget to throw it on the bed and roll around in it before you wind it up.

Anonymous said...

I would too! I love the cupcakes!!

Anonymous said...

Cute cupcakes - and gorgeous yarn!

Bianca said...

The cupcakes are really cute. Malabrigo sounds yummie.... unfortunately it can't be found where I live. Ah well :-)

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