Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A little yarn swap . . .

What ever did we do before Ravelry? It was through Ravelry that The ADD Knitter spied three skeins of Debbie Bliss SoHo in my stash. She had two skeins in the same colorway that she kindly offered to gift to me! Wanting to reciprocate, I asked if there was anything in my stash that interested her. As it turned out, she was happy to take the left-over Soft Tweed from my Sunrise Circle Jacket off my hands.

The SoHo showed up in the mail last week.

And oh my, what is that behind it??

A gorgeous skein of sock yarn from GypsyKnits! It's rare to come across a sock yarn I don't have in my stash, but this is one (ummm, now WAS one). The colors are beautiful and I was so touched by her generosity! Thank you so much, Ms ADD!!


~RaenWa~ said...

Oh I love Raverly that site is addicting & they have some of the nicest people and coolest groups..I love that sock yarn such beautiful colors

Sonya said...

Ain't that Ravelry a wonderful thing? I love that sock yarn. Looks like summer.

Laura said...

Wonderful yarn! Love that sock yarn. Ravelry rocks. I have a bunch of new knitting friends, local people who I get to see IRL, who are all awesome. All because of Ravelry. :-)

Jessica said...

Very nice indeed! Ravelry is indeed a wonderful thing.

Jennifer said...

It's so nice to have a place to swap yarn, no? Lovely extra too!

Heide said...

I keep forgetting to update my Ravelry... mostly I just don't have time. But it is a wonderful invention. The sock yarn is beautiful.

cpurl17 said...

What a wonderful swap!! someday I need to get my stash loaded in there...

Anonymous said...

how exciting!!! I love the colors in that sock yarn. :)

Nancy said...

I want to change my name to Ravelry.

Sarah said...

Don't you love a nice swap?

Twinkerbell said...

Love it! I'm just finally getting into Ravelry. When I first started it just seemed overwhelming. I'm addicted. Love the stuff you got, the sock yarn is just gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I agree that Ravelry is absolutely amazing. I've made wonderful friends and even found local knitting and spinning groups that I belong to. Before, I knit alone .. now I plan my day around my evening knitting and spinning life.

How kind of her to send that yarn also. Surprises are a wonderful thing.

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Right back atcha!:) I am so glad that you have that Debbie Bliss and happy to pass along that Gypsyknits to you as well, enjoy it!! And thank YOU so much for the Karabella...

thegabbyknitter said...

That's so great. Ravelry is a truly wonderful place!

Theresa said...

I really cannot imagine how we ever got by without it!

Anonymous said...

oooh now that is gorgeous sock wool!!! love the colours :)


Bianca said...

Came hopping over from Ravelry. Wonderful colours - really Spring :-)

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