Thursday, March 06, 2008

That purple blob in the snow . . .

from my last post is my oldest WIP, finished at last!!

Perfect Pie Shawl

Perfect Pie Shawl from Weekend Knitting
Cast On: 20 August 2006
Completed: 14 January 2008
Yarn: Araucania Atacama, 503
Koigu KPM, 2239
Needles: Knit Picks US (5.5mm) Circ

I don't know why it took me a year and a half to finish this shawl. I thought about frogging it many times, but in the end, I'm so glad I didn't. It's really pretty and soft and warm. Of course, my photography skills often leave much to be desired. Although I love the picture above, I didn't manage to get a good picture of the whole shawl laid out. (Note to self: Don't just plop it down, ARRANGE IT!!)

My crochet skills leave a lot to be desired also. The crocheted edging is a bit lumpy and uneven. But I like it just the same.


KT said...

It looks beautiful! It looks SO soft and cuddly.

Sonya said...

Beautiful, Karen! I love the colors and it looks so soft. Glad you didn't frog it.

Anonymous said...

That is beautiful!!! I love the colors. :)

Sourire11 said...

I'm glad you didn't frog it b/c it's lovely!

Anonymous said...

Wow - that's a long time to have a WIP hanging around! Congrats on finishing, it's beautiful!

Glad to see you're back. :o)

Anonymous said...

Shawls are a pain in the arse to photograph. They either turn out wonderful, or horrible. For some reason, there's just no middle ground.

I'm glad you didn't frog it either. It looks extremely soft and cuddly. Did it keep the snow warm? LOL

Kristin said...

Gorgeous Karen! :)

jessica said...

What a pretty color! I love the top picture too! It must feel wonderful to have finished such a long lasting wip... I also have a wip that has been around for 2 yrs... Its all knit, now I need to weave in the ends, that alone might take me 2 more years ;o)

Jennifer said...


Olga said...

It is completely gorgeous! And it must be so soft and cuddly. I think the crochet edging looks just fine.

muffinmidi said...

I'm glad you are back blogging. I know how hard it is to lose a pet.
The hurt will take a long time to go away.It dos go away, though.I found that getting another pet helps.It won't replace Charle, but he or she will be another fur person to love.
Take cre,Tracy

Twinkerbell said...

ok, all I can say is wow! Love the colors, looks snuggly :) Glad you are blogging again :)

Laura said...

Isn't it a great feeling to get something old off the needles? Especially when it's so pretty! :-)

thegabbyknitter said...

I'm glad you didn't rip it out either it's gorgeous!

Chrissy said...

Very pretty. It looks so cozy.

Macoco said...

Your shawl is beautiful, I love the colors!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful!!

kathy b said...

it is a masterpiece. what a wonderful pattern and yarn you chose. I LIKE your first photo shot !

Nancy said...

It's beautiful and that purple looks so rich! Lovely!

knitseashore said...

Congratulations! It looks so warm and cozy!! Those are the best knits, those long UFOs that are finally done. :)

Ragan Knits etc... said...

Yipee!!! It looks wonderful! The crochet looks fine to me. :o)

cpurl17 said...

Gorgeous!! What an accomplishment!

Crafty Doll said...

What a beautiful shawl. At last, it's finished!

Ariel said...

I love those colors, and it looks so cozy. I just might have to move this bad boy further up in my Ravelry queue.

Jessica said...

It's gorgeous! I think the edge gives it character. :)

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