Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Valentine's flowers from my Sweetpea

Valentine's brownies for my Sweetpea

The other Valentine's surprises I've been working on will have to be revealed later!

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!!!


kathy b said...

oh oh, I want a brownie from pea too!@ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Anonymous said...

ooh pretty flowers! I told Adam not to get me flowers this year. I refused to let him spend $50 on something that would be dead in 3 days. So he got me all those other things! lol

Oooh those Valentine brownies look yum!! cant wait to see the other surprise ;-)


Nancy said...

Wow! You must really love that Sweetpea! Happy Valentimes!

KT said...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sonya said...

You are having a most excellent Valentine's Day!

Elizabeth said...

I'm guessing Pea loves brownies! Happy Valentines Day!

christine karr said...

oh lucky you; lucky Pea!
Happy Valentine's day!

somebunnysloveDOTcom said...

Pretty flowers and gorgeous brownies. YUM!!!

Cathy said...

Beautiful and oooooooooooh so yummy looking - now I'm hungry for chocolate ;)

Melissa said...

Happy V D. The brownies look awesome!
So....reveal the rest...

~Kristie said...

Ahhh... pretty & yummy! Great combination!

Happy Valentines Day

MissyJoon said...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Beautiful flowers, love-ly brownies . . . I love those little heart shaped pans!

But what's this about a yarn diet?!?!? Shame on you!

Jennifer said...

Oooo, those brownies look delicious! I hope you had a good Valentine's.

Mintyfresh said...

those look so yummy! i never would have thought to put sugary sprinkle things on brownies--but what an awesome idea! i will be copying this in the future, i'm sure. happy valentine's day!

Anonymous said...

Awww, such beautiful flowers! And the brownies! The brownies!!!! Hallelujah! ;)

Anonymous said...

Those brownies look delicious!!

Great chocolate socks!!

Ragan said...

thank you again for the ecard!!!

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