Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Am I getting on your nerves yet?

Can you stand one more crafty thing from me? I don't know what's gotten into me lately. Last week I dragged out the Kool-Aid and dyed a skein of yarn.

It didn't come out exactly how I had intended, but I like it a lot. I told Pea he'd know right away what my inspiration was, and the minute he looked at it he said "July at the Beach???". Which, of course, was totally wrong. The inspiration was SUPPOSED to be our house if it EVER gets finished in my lifetime when it's all done. The siding is tan, the trim will be white, and I plan to use navy blue and burgundy for accents on the porch and some of the trim. But he's right, it did come out more patriotic than I had intended. Pea thought it was very Tommy Hilfiger. (Didn't Ralph Lauren have a red, white and blue collection too? I thought so, but couldn't find any pictures on-line. I guess Pea won the designer debate.) In any case, I'm quite happy with the shades I managed to mix up, and I can't wait to re-stock my Kool-Aid stash and see what else I can come up with.


Scoutj said...


Anonymous said...

Very pretty

Nathalie said...

Very nice - can't wait to see it wound into a ball ;)

Anonymous said...

Your yarn is lovely! Don't worry about what Pea thought--men think in a totally different way and would probably never pick up on the house theme. Life would be so much easier if they thought like women! Tee hee!

Zonda said...

Those are awesome colors!! All that with kool-aid? Love it!

Anonymous said...

on my monitor, the color that i guess is blue looks rather sage green, so the combo strikes me as autumnal. Blue is, i'm sure, pretty too!

Confessions of a Knitting Diva said...

That yarn is so pretty!! I've never tried to dye my own yarn. Looks like fun.

Jenn said...

I think it looks lovely!

~Kristie said...

You really just used cool aid to dye that? WOW!!

Olga said...

that's so neat! you can knit up the yarn and get some color satisfaction until the house is finished.

Sonya said...

The colors look sort of autumnal on my monitor too. I'm just amazed at the great colors that come from Kool-aid!

Anonymous said...

Woah! What can I say? This is perfect, absolutely perfect! What a great colorway, and the yarn looks so soft and yummy and delicious - fantastic!

Melissa said...

It's very pretty. I can't believe you got those results from Kool Aid!

Anonymous said...

Love it!


Lynda said...

Wow - that's some of the prettiest Kool-Aid dyed yarn I've seen!

Cathy said...

Looks great Karen :)

Anonymous said...

Great job on the yarn! You go with your crafty self!

Beth said...

O.K. I'm just saying the same as everyone else. I can't believe those colors came from Kool Aid. Please give us more details on the flvaors used...please, please, please.

Nancy said...

That's it. We can't be friends any more. You are just way to clever for me.

KeanaLee said...

I LOVE IT! How come everytime I see sosmeone dying yarn I get the notion to go do it too! I would like to try some hand painted yarn.
Oh and your Christmas carol, is perfect! Merry Merry!

Ragan said...

Wow! What can't you do??? I know that your house will be finished soon. Really. :)
more about the wow....that yarn is wonderful!!!!! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Oh WOW! I dye yarn with Kool-Aid but semi-solids are all I can manage. This is amazing!! Well done.
We're renovating at the moment - can't wait to finish. The noise is driving me insane. x
PS: I found you via Dipsy D and have added you to my bloglist.

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Omigod I love it!!!! To me the shade screams "November"!

Laura said...

holy cow! that's amazing! how did you do that? is it self-striping? must read next post before blathering...

MissyJoon said...

lovely--simply lovely xoxoxox

KnitPastis said...

You did a beautiful dye job with this yarn! I like how you tried to match the colors of your house:)

Zarzuela said...

Wow! You got some seriously professional looking results there! Mind sharing your technique?


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