I've got a few ideas. Take one FO, one trip to a huge yarn store, one trip to the bookstore and one wonderful husband to share them with.
I finished my first hat today, and it came out pretty well.

It's the Umbilical Cord Hat from Stitch 'n Bitch (modeled on a small stuffed bear, since no babies were handy!) This is a great first hat project, because it was very easy and very quick. I used Debbie Bliss baby cashmerino - so soft and snuggly and also machine washable. I don't really like the umbilical cord look, so I double tied the "cord" to give it more of a knot look. Valuable lessons I learned were 1)
Do Not Overcompensate: I was a loose knitter, as I suppose every new knitter is. My knitting must be tightening up with experience, but I am also trying to knit tighter - thus overcompensating and knitting so tight that I sometimes can't move the stitches around the needle. Not good. 2)
The right way to tink: A valuable lesson learned when I had to re-do a row because I had overcompensated and knit way too tight. 3)
How to pick up a dropped stitch: An extremely valuable technique learned when one stitch slid off a DPN needle and I didn't notice it until it had dropped four rows down. Learning this saved me from Frogging Practice!!

This afternoon, Pea took me to this
great knitting store!!! I had never been there before, but I plan to go back a lot. I can't show much of what I bought, because most of it was gifts. (Tee hee) I did treat myself to a set of Denise interchangeable Needles, which many people raved about in their memes and seemed easier (and cheaper) than running to the store every time a pattern calls for a circular needle I don't have. I do love my Addis, but now I can build up my collection of them at a more affordable (on one salary) pace!! Oh, and I bought this yarn too! So pretty.
Somehow, I was still able to talk Pea into stopping at the big Barnes and Noble too! (Lady Luck was smiling on me!! It also didn't hurt that I promised to buy him a hot chocolate.) I got some more gift shopping done and had a yummy coffee and biscotti. What more could a girl ask for?? It was the best day!!!
So glad you had a wonderful day! It actually sounded like a pretty calm, sane day, in spite of it being Black Friday. I LOVE your Umbilical Cord Hat! So cute! I especially love the color and it looks really snazzy in that DB Cashmerino. And look at your awesome haul from the LYS! Beautiful yarn. I have those Denise needles high on my list of things I'd like to get someday- it really does seem more economical. I only wish it also extended down to smaller needles, liked 0, 1 and 2. Coffee and biscotti were the icing on the cake! Enjoy the rest of your weekend...:-)
that is a cute cute CUTE hat! did i mention it was cute? i would make it, but being that we're in hawaii and all, my niece and nephew don't like having hot heads.
that is a great day! i mean, wow! and you got denise's! are they every bit as good as people say they are? they must be since so many people have them...
that's some pretty yarn. is that sock weight or lace weight?
and it's not even the weekend yet! have a great weekend!
What a wonderful day! Yarn store, and Book store in one day! PURE HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!! Hot Chocolate and Biscotti are the icing on that cake :) I love the hat - you did a lovely job on it and the yarn is gorgeous.
I have the Denise needles and LOVE them! I didn't think I would like them much when I bought them, but they are a favorite. I too wish they came in smaller sizes.... maybe someday :)
Thanks for sharing your great day!
the hat is so cute! Who's it for?
Also, you had the best day ever if you ask me...
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