I seem to have gotten tagged or volunteered for quite a few memes lately, so I thought maybe I'll do one each Monday until I've completed them all. The first one is from Katt, and requires me to tell you six quirky things about me.
Here are the rules:
Link to the person who tagged you.
Mention the rules.
Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself.
Tag six other bloggers by linking to them.
Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment that let’s them know they’ve been tagged.
Some of these you may already know, but here what I've got.
- I hate mashed potatoes. However, I love potatoes - just any way but mashed.
- When I buy things in stores, I never take the front thing on the shelf. I always reach behind for the second one. I think it's "fresher".
- I sometimes wash some dishes by hand because I'm afraid I'll fill up the dishwasher too fast. I'm not really sure why I think it would be worse to run the dishwasher more than it is to wash dishes by hand.
- I can go days on end without leaving my house (and I have). It doesn't really bother me.
- I'm completely paranoid about K.C. Since we only had Charlie for four months before the Feline Renal Failure did him in, I think it's kind of scarred me. I over analyze every little thing K.C. does, and worry about her all the time.
- I can't stand when the food on my plate touches. I've been known to use two, or even three, different plates to keep this from happening.
It's not a quirk to stay in your house for days on end.
OK, so now my 12-year-old is laughing at me, but seriously, it's Winter, why go out?
Now in the Spring and Summer, that's a bit different.
#2, 3 & 4 are me too! I'm glad to know there are others like me.....
i have stayed in my house on end too. i enjoy it most the time.
as for the supermaket thing..not sure how it works over there but with a lot of things that expire quicker they do put fresher stuff at the back. its called "rotating stock"
You quirky girl, you.
2. Kevin pulls the second item on the shelf because if someone were stabbing products with anthrax-laden needles, they'd puncture the one in front.
4. We go days without leaving the house too.
5. I understand about worrying about K.C. She'll be OK.
6. I regularly mix my food all up in one bowl to avoid having to wash more dishes. ;o)
Not quirky--they're charm points!
I consider them "features" instead of quirks. That's what I tell my husband about my irrational fear of alligators, despite living in New England.
Other peoples' quirks are so fun to read, makes us feel more normal for our own. Now K.C. doesn't want you worrying so much that you don't enjoy her........
My quirks include but are not limited to:
I like my coke from the fountain. I actually have favorite places to go to get my fountain coke!
When I play a game, I always want the blue piece for my marker.
I am a horribly monogamous knitter. I must stop this. It is bad for my hands/arm, but I live in fear of not finishing something and that being wasteful.
Is telling people not to call me between one and three without shame, because I nap then, a quirk?
I totally agree with #2, it just seems better:) and that is too funny about the dishes!
It's not a quirk to worry about our feline friends -- it's normal!
I'm with you on #2 & #4.
As for K.C. I know just how you feel -- Rainy didn't gain any weight since her last checkup, a la our Charlie, and now I'm trying not to worry she too has IBD. I've been stuffing her with food all day since the vet called!
Oh my...2, 3, 4, & 6!!! Hahah...me too.
And, #5 for a different reason I would insert Ryan in there.
Go figure! No wonder I have been reading your blog for SOOO long.
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