Monday, May 19, 2008

Lucky me - part 1

Often when things seem bad and you're feeling low and sorry for yourself, the universe will remind you just how good things are. And how many wonderful people you are lucky enough to call your friends. Including all the wonderful people who left supportive comments on my last (whiny) post.

On top of all those nice comments, I had some great luck in a couple of blog contests lately. First off, I won what was supposed to be a "little contest" over at my dear friend Ragan's blog. I was bowled over when I saw all of the wonderful things she sent me, all hand-made, while she is in the midst of packing up her house for a big move.

First, the beautiful packaging and hand-made card.

Inside was four cute packets, each with a card and gift inside. Wow!!

The first held the most unbelievable crocheted earrings! Did you know you could crochet earrings? The thought of crocheting something so tiny makes my head spin.

The next two packets had a gorgeous set of pearl stitch-markers and a matching pair of earrings! And yes, she made these too!

And the final packet had an unbelievable beaded strip with my name on it. I treasure this one most, because it was inspired by crafts Ragan's grandmother used to do for her.

Isn't it all just amazing? I am truly blown away by the love and generosity Ragan put into my prize - which she still tries to claim is "just something small". I have to disagree - I know these gifts are priceless.

And tomorrow, I'll be back with another contest prize to show you!


kathy b said...

Well how wonderful that the blog/yarn world comes to the rescue again! Great gifts you won. I love when the mail is yarny!

Kristin said...

So nice! What a great surprise!!

Zonda said...

Lovely gifts!

Anonymous said...

Very nice! Congrats on winning :o)

Cathy said...

Beautiful gifts Karen, reminds me of a package you once sent to me :)

Sonya said...

What a great gifty package!

Ragan Knits etc... said...

Glad you liked the little somethings!

Jessica said...

Yay! Glad you got a little pick me up. :)

Gingersnaps with Tea... said...

What a lovely pick-me-up! You deserve it. And you are right, when things seem their lowest, something will come along to remind us that we have much to be grateful for!

Anonymous said...

That's an amazing prize. You may be lucky, but I honestly think you're just deserving of something wonderful.

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