Thursday, March 01, 2007

WIP Wednesday

So yes, okay, I know today is Thursday. But hear me out. I was thinking about my blog all morning. About how I needed to come up with something to post today. About how I'd like to post more often, if I could only think of something to say. About how things around here are getting busier now that I'm taking my web courses. And it struck me that maybe a little more structure would do my blog some good right now. I guess I'm a person who loves rules. What can I say.

So, I thought about posting one of my WIPs each week. I've always got plenty of projects going, so it's not like you'd be staring at the same thing week after week. And it will also push me to work on my WIPs, because I certainly don't want to show three rows progress each time I post! WIP Thursdays doesn't have much of a ring to it, so I've settled on WIP Wednesdays. This week's installment is one day late, since I didn't come up with this idea yesterday.

For my first WIP, I've pulled out my Clapotis.

It's been quite some time since Clapotis made an appearance on the blog. I bought the yarn at Rhinebeck and cast on that night when we got home. I think The Clap got put aside for Christmas knitting, but it's back in rotation now. I've got three more repeats of the straight section left, and then I can start my decreases. Oh how I love projects that end with decrease rows!!!

Tomorrow I'm thinking about blatantly ripping off borrowing Zonda's great idea and posting Yarn P*rn Fridays. Not that I'm BUYING any more yarn, mind you, but I've got plenty of lovelies in my stash that I can trot out for you to ogle!!


Lynda said...

Hey - works for me. I love to ogle knitting in any form, for any reason!

Sonya said...

I'm with Lynda; bring it on!

Melissa said...

I would love to see all of your WIPs.
I need to make a Clapotis myself. What yarn did you use?

~Kristie said...

What a great idea!
I wanted to grab your Clapotis and wrap it around myself. I think you may have convinced me to cast on for that tonight!

Anonymous said...

clapotis is one of those projects that you can set aside for awhile and pick up here and there when you can. there's just sooo much stockinette - it would be hard to make it your only project. but finish'll love it when its done, i just completed mine recently.

Bron said...

looks great =)
I've seen FO friday as well

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

I agree that the Clapotis is a set-aside project that you can pick up again without too much trauma...which doesn't explain why I put mine away permanently! I guess it was becoming too much of a long drawn-out affair!

Chrissy said...

Looks good. I like the stripy colors. I'm looking forward to the yarn pr0n!

Anonymous said...

Yep, I agree: Bring it on! And: Lovely Clap, these stripes look absolutely unique!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree about projects that end with decreases--sleeves are funny that way, how you spend all this time increasing and then bam! you decrease a whole bunch.

amandazen said...

Clapotis is coming out great! I love looking at yarn, especially since my yarn is not getting much action lately.

Amanda :)

MissyJoon said...

I love that clapotis yarn: it looks so, so good! You'll be finished in an flash! I have to haul mine out and get back to it!

Anonymous said...

Oooh that is a gorgeous looking Clapotis!! I love the colour of it!! You are doing well..

I have so many WIP maybe I should do something like that! lol


Ragan said...

I think that you are so clever. You really come up with some neat WIP Wednesday. I can't wait to see how many projects you finish simply because you are inspired by posting them. Hurray!

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