Wednesday, March 21, 2007

WIP Wednesday - Spring!!

I had today's post all written in my head. Ramblings about how sick I was last week, and how nice it is to finally be back amongst the living (and blogging). Talk of how glad I am that Spring is here to warm us up and chase away all those nasty germs (even if the thermometer says it's freezing outside). Whining about how I was too sick over the weekend to post my St. Patrick's Day Green WIP, so it would now be a Spring Green WIP.

Then I sat down and clicked over to my Twin's blog. And what do you think she posted?? Talk of how long she's been away from blogging (sound familiar?). And a green lace shawl. Any guesses what my green WIP is?

Oh yes. I'm posting the beginnings of my Kiri LACE SHAWL in GREEN, after being ABSENT FROM BLOGLAND FOR TOO LONG. I told you we are twins!


christine karr said...

Ha.....................yours is lovely!

Do you hear the music from the "twilight zone"? dumdum dumdummmmmmmm

Lynda said...

Oooh, pretty! I'm lovin' the lace shawls lately! Glad you're feeling better :o)

Sonya said...

Beautiful even in its unblocked state! Such a great spring color too. Glad you're back amongst the living.

Wannabe said...

Great minds think alike?

Glad you're feeling better darlin'!

Melissa said...

How funny!! (now where are the pics of your doggie?)

Noey D. said...

I haven't been lurking lately, so I missed that you were so sick! Happy to hear you're feeling better.

cpurl17 said...

Glad you're back! Your shawl is going to be sooooo pretty!

KT said...

YOU'RE FINALLY DOING KIRI! I'm so proud!!! Our colors looks remarkably similar, btw. :) No, seriously, I'm so proud of you it's not even funny.

Jenn said...

It looks very pretty - I'm so glad you're feeling better!

KeanaLee said...

Nice to see youon again, love that green, can't wait till it is done & you model it for us!

Heide said...

Your shawl is lovely! Glad to hear that you're feeling better. Freaky deal about the twin thing.

Jennifer said...

Gorgeous Kiri! You two really are twins. :-)

Zonda said...

That is a fab color! It will be gorgeous! Glad you are feeling better! :) Cute about your "twin" :)

Olga said...

So weird...separated at birth! You could just let her post and then just publish a link to her blog. :-) Looks like you're almost done with Kiri, can't wait to see the finished object!

Anonymous said...

Glad your feeling better. The shawl looks beautiful!

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

How funny!! My grandmother always said "Great minds think alike", to which my grandfather replied "Fools seldom differ.". Take your pick!;)

So glad you're feeling better and ready to enjoy the springy weather that is heading your way. LOVE the green shawl.

Zarzuela said...

Ooooh pretty. If that's the Kiri pattern I think it is, I tried it once and couldn't get past the first couple of rows. Glad you are having more success!


Jillio said...

i love karen!
and i love your green kiri shawl. :) quick, quick, finish! so we can see the blocking magic! :D

~Kristie said...

YIPEEEE! You're BETTER! So glad to hear it.

I'm obviously not your twin since I'm knitting a shawl that is not green. Bummer. I always wanted a twin.

You're zipping along on your shawl for sure! You must have got some major progress done on it while you were ill. It looks absolutely beautiful!

Redheadskydiver said...

Wow, it's very pretty and a nice color. I just finished my first lace project and can't wait to start another!

Anonymous said...

So good to hear that you're feeling better again - it seems the positive energies I've been sending over across the pond really found you!
Your WIP is so lovely, what an awesome pattern, and the colour is just so perfect for spring! Yay!


Oh your Kiri shawl is looking so pretty. And I LOVE that color. It's gorgeous.

BTW: WOW! to you for doing the 100 miles!! I thought about signing up for that then chickened out at the last minute-- :( Now that I see that you've accomplished it, I wish I hadn't backed out. In any case, YOU ROCK!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! That pattern is on my 'knit someday' list :o)

Anonymous said...

Wow, you're really far along on Kiri! If you're interested, check my archives--I redid the piece entirely in order to get a scalloped edge, and I blogged about it.

Ragan said...

Puuuurrrrty...yup. I live in the south is "purty" not pretty. Heh heh.
Can't beat the weather though. How has yours been???

Sourire11 said...

lovely! It's going to be beautiful when it's done!

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