Tuesday, March 13, 2007

It's just my "Cuppa Tea"

Did you see Kristen's post yesterday, in which her adorable husband unknowingly renamed her latest project? Since I thought it was so cute, and we both knit the same pattern with the same yarn, I asked if I could rename my project too. And she was all for it. (Let's all pretend not to notice that this was on my needles for almost 4 months, while hers took about four days from start to finish!!)

As it turns out, the name is more fitting than I had imagined. It seems that my body had been invaded by the John Travolta of germs . . . they just keep making a comeback. Last evening my throat started to hurt, and today it's positively on fire. So I'm spending the day on the couch with a cup of tea and my "Cuppa Tea". Since I won't subject you to the splendor that is me in sweatpants with air dried hair, I let my "teas" model together.

Cast on: 21 October 2006
Completed: 11 February 2007
Yarn: Brooks Farms Four Play, about 2 1/2 skeins
Needles: Knit Picks Options, US8 (5mm)

And the "money shot". (Some one is going to be searching for *ahem* something else and be very disappointed to see my knitting and a tea bag! *grin*)

I'm really happy with how this came out. I stretched it out as far as I could during blocking, and the result is a light, airy garment that works as a scarf or a shawl. It's so soft and cozy, that I've got it draped around my shoulders right now. It makes quite a fashion statement with the sweats!!


~Kristie said...

I *LOVE* that you photographed yours with the teapot and tea bag and such. TOO CUTE! I so should've done that, but obviously I don't have the creativity gene in my body like you do.

Your Cuppa Tea is beautiful. I sure wish it were cool enough weather-wise here though for me to wear mine though.

Jenn said...

It is gorgeous! I am sure you will enjoy it - I love the color!

Sonya said...

Beautiful Clapotis! Very light and airy; perfect with sweats, of course. Sorry you're feeling poorly. Hope it doesn't last long.

Melissa said...

Love it! It looks great and the name is too cute! :)
Hope you get well soon!

Jillio said...

gotta love that brooks farm! i have a clapotis i have to finish...i just can't find the other straight needle i was using to make it. gah!
yours is lovely! i love the colors!
at least you have something cozy and pretty to wrap yourself in. get better soon!

Nancy said...

It's a beauty! Is the real-life color close to the color in the picture? It looks like a very gardeny (if that's a word) green. Pat yourself on the back!

Cathy said...

GORGEOUS Karen! It is the same Kristie :) Who knew! I keep looking at the yarn at that site and just can't decide what color I want! I hate choosing. Maybe I like yours and Kristie's so much because they are stretched and blocked so beautifully. The picture on the Knitty site did nothing for me as a crinkly scarf (personal taste not a criticism), but you and Kristie have truly inspired me.

I truly hope you are feeling better soon - it is terrible when it just keeps hitting you after you think you are better :( Positive healing thoughts coming your way!

Confessions of a Knitting Diva said...

That is beatiful!! Sorry to hear that you are sick!! I'm sending you warm thoughts and a hug!

Lynda said...

That's it - I HAVE to make one!

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

You are so funny! Although beware, isn't 'teabagging' a naughty x-rated act?! So I've heard...;)

Zonda said...

Oh Wow! Just gorgeous! Feel better soon! Good to know I have enough 4-play to make one too! :)

Noey D. said...

Beautiful! I am inspired to give Clapotee another try! Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear your still not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon! I love your Clapotis!

Jennifer said...

What a gorgeous Clapotis!

I hope you feel better.

Sourire11 said...


Hope you feel better soon! at least you have a lovely hand knit to keep you warm while you're sick.

kathy b said...

Clap is beautiful. Love the Brooks Farms colorway. Really it is so lovely.

Have some irish whiskey before bed. My irish nana always said a hot toddy cures what ails ya!

Elizabeth said...

You're in Yarnival! I loved the "Point - Double Point" blog - glad to see it getting some more exposure.

somebunnysloveDOTcom said...

Love your Clappy! Hope you read my latest post because I totally thought of you when I wrote that last part.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you're still not feeling well - do try to get a lot of rest, and I'm sending over lots and lots of positive energies and good vibes from across the pond!
Clapotis looks so beautiful, it's so elegant in these soft and warm colour shades!

Anonymous said...

Oh YAY!! Blogger is FINALLY letting me comment on everyones blogs!!!

LOVE it..its gorgeous. The colours look divine!!


Olga said...

Oh, it's so beautiful! And green, just in time for St. Paddy's day. I'm sorry you're feeling so crappy...keep drinking that tea and snuggling in your Clapotis!

JessaLu said...

Beautiful! Great color :o)

Anonymous said...

It's perfect. I love the soft colours.

Anonymous said...

I love your green clapotis! It is so pretty! I need to knit on mine one of these days!! Miss ya!

Kirsten said...

oooh, I've been so behind in my blog reading that I've missed all of the wonderful things you've been working on! Your Clapotis is beautiful. Now I want some more Brooks Farms to make one for myself!
Your Kiri is also looking beautiful. Can't wait to see that one as a FO.

Kimberly said...

Oh that is sooo pretty. I can't imagine life without my clapotis and am planning my next. Yours is wonderful!! I like the sweats/clapotis combo-that could be me too. Good thing my blog doesn't have a live cam. ;-)

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