What's that? You want to see some actual knitting content? You're tired of all the rambling and graphics and pictures of yarn? You wonder if I actually have any yarn on the needles?? Okay, that's fair. Today it's all about the knitting.
Slowly but surely, the Embossed Leaves socks are coming along.
Isn't Scout's yarn beautiful?? (Go check out her new shop!!!) I've decided to add one extra pattern repeat to the leg because I like my socks a bit longer and I will have plenty of yarn. I should be ready to start the heel flap tonight!!! Ya hoo.
Oh yes, and do you remember my other WIP?? No? Think hard, it's been a LONG TIME. Need a hint?
Yes, that's it! The Sunrise Circle Jacket!! It's been ages since we've heard anything from this WIP. I got really tired of working on it somewhere during the Right Front. Not that the pattern isn't great - because it really is. I just was having trouble get the yarn around the Denise Needles once Sunrise started getting big. I also think I'm used to smaller projects, so this was really putting a strain on my short attention span. But after finishing Camden's sweater I couldn't figure out what I wanted to work on next (the socks weren't calling that night). So, I cast on Sunrise's Left Front. It's been cold enough here lately that I could actually wear it if it were done. Of course, by the time I actually do finish, it's sure to be 102 degrees out!!!
And last, but not least, the debut of my Amazing Lace Project. I cast on Saturday evening without a problem and made it all the way through Chart One. I present to you . . . . KIRI SHAWL!!!
No no, don't adjust your computer monitor. There is something very wrong with that picture. Yes, I did make it successfully through Chart One. What I failed to mention was that things took a turn for the worse early on in Chart Two. On the third row, my stitch count was suddenly off. I examined and studied Kiri, but couldn't figure out where I went wrong. Okay, TINK back to row one. Start again . . . nope, still not quite right. No problem, rip back to the lifeline put in at the end of Chart One. Mmmm hmmm, something is still not quite right. I see a wonky stitch, but can't figure out what I did wrong to get it. At that point, the best option seemed to be to rip the whole thing and start again from scratch. I'm chalking my first attempt up to training. You know, some practice to get a feel for the yarn and needles. Yeah, that's it!! Attempt two will go much better. Won't it??
Oy - the pain of lace. All of my lace projects look like your picture, two or three times, before I finally figure out what I'm supposed to be doing!
Love the socks, though!
The socks are awesome. As for the lace, it takes practice. But once you *get* it, then you're all set.
Karen your socks are coming out so great, I love the color! I believe you will get the hang of Kiri soon. Great color for it!
Amanda :)
The socks are looking good - and don't worry about Kiri, you'll get the hang of it ;o)
Wow, you've been so productive! I looove the socks, this pattern is very high up on my "Have to do NOW" list, and that yarn totally rocks! I'd also say, don't worry about the Kiri, just one more try and you'll be a Kiri-expert, I'm sure about that ;) Fingers crossed!
That's funny....I got out Sitcom Chic last night and decided to give it another go, just like you did with Sunrise Circle! Poor Kiri...hope it starts behaving for you!
Some patterns are just better the second time through. I brought out my neglected Spring Forward cardigan this weekend; must be something in the air. Sunrise circle is going to be gorgeous in that color.
Poor you with that "bad girlfriend" kiri--I think she is related to my Flower B. I need to resurrect my Sunrise Circle Jacket!
You are knitting all these things that I want to be knitting! Embossed Leaves is battling it out with Waving Lace for my next pair of socks. I was just thinking last night that after I finish the Roundabout tank, I should start the Sunrise Circle Jacket. And Kiri is another one I'd love to do. You know that I have ripped MANY a shawl of late. I seem to be having better luck with the Shetland triangle.
There, now I've probably gone and jinxed it. :)
Also, what kind of needles are those? They look really sharp. And I clearly am obsessing about sharp needles.
Go team MOAMSTK! I'm thinking that subconciously you just don't want to finish the Kiri too quickly or make it look too easy for those of us on the sidelines who were too daunted with the task.
I had a bad lace experience the first time around, but I'm glad to say that attempt #2 is going much more smoothly! I love your embossed leaves! What a great color with that pattern!
Honey, it took me six times to get through the first 22 rows. :/ Then again, I'm a total schmuck when it comes to paying attention to my knitting during a Stitch 'n' Bitch. It gets easier, I promise. I don't even need the pattern now! :) You can do it!
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