Thursday, June 15, 2006

Eso si que es

If the Google Spanish to English translator is any indication, the sentence above makes no sense at all. But it still makes me laugh. Quite some time ago, I saw a spoof commercial for "Learn to Speak Spanish" (it might have been on SNL, but I"m not sure). "Yes, you too can speak Spanish by simply spelling common English words. S-O-C-K-S". I hope I"m not offending anyone - the reason I think it's so funny is because I have tried just about every "Learn to Speak Another Language Easily" book and tape out there for a variety of languages. I can still only (barely) speak English . . . um, along with a few choice Italian and Jamaican swear words (thanks to my grandmother and former boss, respectively).

But anyway, the subject of today's post is . . . S. O. C. K. S. SOCKS!!! All I've been interested in knitting lately is socks. I've been plugging away on the first Embossed Leaves sock.

Embossed LeavesI can't tell you how much I love this pattern!!! It has gotten me over my fear of charts. It's the most complicated sock I've ever knit - although it certainly isn't hard. It's also the nicest sock I've done. I loved the stockinette st heel flap, with three garter stitches at either end. It looks so pretty, and also made picking up the gusset stitches much easier for me. Those gussets are always my worst part, but this one actually looks great!!! Could I have somehow have become a REAL SOCK KNITTER? It sure feels that way.

As fun as Embossed Leaves is, I also needed a "mindless sock project" for TV knitting. And, I was anxious to see how that gaudy blue yarn I dyed would knit up. So, I cast on for Blues Power!!

I cast this on last Friday, and I'm surprised by how quickly this is going for a slow knitter like me. I'm using the Cable Top Socks pattern from Socks Soar on Two Circular Needles. I think I've finally mastered knitting in wraps on short-row heels! And I love the entire heel construction on this sock too. I don't plan on knitting the cable top though, just some ribbing. The yarn color is even starting to grow on me, the variegation is knitting up just the way I had hoped.

Aside from all the socks, I've been working on more graphics as well. I did a fun button for Kathy's blog. This one was a great collaboration, and the end result is really cute. Go check her out!! I also did a banner and button for Elizabeth. She came up with the idea, and it was a lot of fun to make it happen. So go check her out as well. I've got two more in the works that I should be able to show you soon.

And don't forget to put in another vote for Garrison - you can vote once every 24 hours. (Click the button to vote!!) Last I checked he was ahead by 4%. Come on, we knitters can do better than that!!!


Kym said...

holy crap- i totally remember that commercial. But it was real!! that's what made it so awesome.

S-O-C-K-S! :)

Sonya said...

You are definitely a real sock knitter! Both pair look wonderful.

knittinmom said...

You go, sock girl! I think your blue yarn looks fantastic knit up. But then, I'm kind of a hand-dye ho (it's hard for me to find a hand-dye I don't like).

Laura said...

Both of your sock projects look fab, but that blue yarn looks really amazing. Awesome job with the dyeing! And the heel looks great! :)

amandazen said...

Your socks are coming out so great. Embossed leaves is a beautiful sock!

Amanda :)

Anonymous said...

I think the sentence basically means "it is what it is"...

Anonymous said...

Well, if you spell it with a Spanish accent it makes words, but they don't really mean anything coherent strung together. I mean, if I heard someone say that in a conversation I'd wonder what on earth they were talking about.

Anonymous said...

ALright, now I will not get that commercial out of my head today! I can hear it now...S O C , K, S????

Anonymous said...

Karen, you are too funny. If you need any Spanish translation, I'm your girl! :)

About your socks... "chulissssimo" (adorable). I agree with everyone, both socks are lovely. I have to say that I am partial to the blue socks, the color is amazing. I can't believe its your first attempt at dyeing. You make me want to go by Kool Aid!!

Melissa said...

You'll be glad to know that I found some blue Kool Aid a couple of nights ago! Woot!!
Thanks again for the mention. We're up by 5% now!
I can't wait to get the banner done this weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for helping me figure out my side bar issue!!

Cathy said...

Karen! The socks are gorgeous ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, you've certainly become a real and true sock knitter - I love both ones that you're doing at the moment, but of course the Embossed Leaves one rocks biggest time! That color you're using is just so amazing, and the pattern comes along perfectly - this is going to be one heck of a gorgeous sock!

Ragan said...

Your blue yarn really is beautiful! Look how lovely that sock is turning out!!! I also love the falling leaves sock. It makes me think of the ooohhhs and aahhhs I hear at the fireworks on the 4th. Yeah, those are great socks!
I just bought that book! I believe that you suggested that one too me...I will be emailing for help when I get stuck! Pattern reading is NOT my thing!!!
I liked your buttons and banner!!

Casey said...

I love that sock pattern! I tried it once but it just didn't work with the colorway of the yarn I chose. Yours is gorgeous!

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Wow the Embossed Leaves are so beautiful, nice work!!

Anonymous said...

I searched for S O C K S because I remembered the commercial, my husband and I have always wondered what the heck it means! I didn't know it was a spoof? ha ha ha

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