You all knew I was going to rip out the hemming on the jacket back and re-do it, right? Miss OCD . . . leave it not quite right . . . I don't think so. First thing this morning I took it out, wove waste thread to mark the line better, and knitted the hem into my bind off. It was a major PITA. I did a few stitches at a time . . . . stoppped and checked it . . . . took a break . . . did a few more stitches . . . and so on and so on. A long long time later . . .
TAAA DAAAA!!!!!All done, lightly blocked, and modeling on the Spare Room bed!!!
It may have taken me four tries . . . but look how straight and even the top hem ended up!!!I am having so much fun knitting this sweater. I'll start on the left sleeve tonight or tomorrow . . . I can't wait to see how that shapes up!! As I knit this, I keep thinking of the only other sweater I've knit. I don't even wear that poor thing. It's weird and lumpy and doesn't quite fit right. But that makes me realize what a long way I've come since last year.
I know my blog has been down (Blogger problems with a filer that has my blog on it), but I'm hoping I can get this uploaded before the end of St. Patrick's Day!!! I wanted to share the little leprechauns that visit my coffee table and side table during March!!
If you look close, you can see the removable stitch markers in the top left shamrock!! I guess the leprechauns like to knit too!!!! HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!!
*whew* I was worried when I tried to comment on your last post and got nuthin'
Happy Paddy's Day! Your hem (*ahem*) looks wonderful!
My, my, what a lovely hem! This sweater is going to be gorgeous. Isn't it great to realize how much your skills have increased? Happy St. Patrick's Day! Your little leprechauns are so cute.
Your post yesterday didn't show up on my Bloglines :-( ... there always seems to be some kind of issue between Blogger and Bloglines lately. I'm glad everything seems to be back up and running, though! The back of your Sunrise Jacket looks fantastic!! Your hem looks especially wonderful, too. You did such a great job on it!! It's really looking gorgeous and I can't wait to see it come together. Your little leprechauns are so cute!! One of my favorite days with all of the little green fellows. ;-) Happy St. Patrick's Day! Take care and have a fantastic weekend, Karen! :-)
You did a beautiful job on the jacket hem Karen! Hooray! Isn't it wonderful to see the progress that has been made in something you love to do? I can't wait to see it all finished up! The leprechauns are adorable! Have a wonderful night!
Great hem! Lifeline is definitely the way to go, huh?
Very nice hem! Don't you just love the flickr toys when I say it on Lolly's site I went and played with them too.
Happy Knitting...
I love your leprechauns! Nice hem, too. I'm glad you finally got it the way you wanted it- nice and straight!
Heh-heh. Love the little green men. Also...your sweater is really coming along, it looks great!!
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