Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Everything is better with knitting . . .

Think about it.  Being on hold for 45 minutes?  Sucks.  Being on hold with your knitting project in your hands?  Cool.  Traffic at a dead stop?  The worst.  Traffic at a dead stop with a sock in progress?  Awesome, and beyond awesome if you are in the passenger seat.  Doctor running over an hour late on appointments?  Okay, okay, I’m sure you’ve caught on by now . . .

For me, baseball fits into the scenario perfectly.  Nine innings of men hitting a white ball with a wooden stick?  Boring!  Stitch n Pitch?  The best afternoon ever!

This was our third year attending our local minor league Stitch n Pitch.  Somehow it seems to get better every year.  There were plenty of knitters . . .


The stadium was kind enough to provide yarn holders with each seat.  My sock-in-progress got in on the pictures, as did the corner of my awesome SnP goodie bag!  I wonder what non-knitters use the yarn holders for?

We had a great view of B.B., the official Bluefish mascot.


Oh, and baseball.  I almost forgot about the baseball . . .


It's true, knitting makes everything better, even for this non-baseball fan.  Knitting in the sunshine while my husband enjoyed the game was the perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon.


Walden said...

Glad you enjoyed yourself. I haven't been to a stitch-n-pitch yet, but I agree, knitting does make everything better. :)

Anonymous said...

Loved this posting! Laughed so hard. You're a glass half full kinda babe.

Teresa said...

always wondered, why can't every game be a stitch and pitch event, Seriously, do they ban knitting needles like they do on planes? Shows I don't go to these events much huh LOL

Anonymous said...

A win/win --- he gets the game, you get the sock.

Great photos.

Zonda said...

Hehe..like your yarn holder ;) Oh, are you supposed to watch baseball at those ;)

Lynn said...

I agree, knitting makes it all better! How nice they included yarn holders?? But where'd you put your beer?!?! :)

Ally Jay said...

Sounds like a perfect match. Knitting definitely makes everything more bearable.

Jennifer said...

Wow - I love that they installed yarn holders at the stadium. Now that's a knitting friendly community! Looks like a fun time.

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