Today I thought we'd take a look back at the first sweater I ever knit - the Ribbon Tie Cardigan from Knit.1. It was knit way back in 2005 out of Lion Suede. Here is my original FO picture, complete with a dribble of Starbucks on my white top. (For the record, last week I dribbled Starbucks on my white top on the way to CT Sheep and Wool. Some things never change.)
The status of this first sweater? It's tucked away in a drawer in the spare room. It still doesn't have a ribbon tie. I think I only wore it once. Honestly, although I guess I loved it when I first knit it, I believe that was simply because it was my first sweater. I don't like chenille yarns. I don't like sweaters with 3/4 sleeves. I don't like the length of this sweater (it's too short). But I'll probably always keep it, tucked away in that drawer, because it's my first sweater and I can't bear to part with it.

I do like the sweater, but if you aren't happy with the fit, you're just not going to wear it. You're smart that you saved it though -- I wish I'd saved mine.
Hope K.C. is better!
Chenille yarns aren't good. It's always disappointing not to be happy with the way something turns out.
Lion Brand has put out some of the worst of the yarn world and some of the best. I'm really impressed by your sleeve seams. They look perfect in the picture!
Sadly my first sweater is HUGE. Fit at the time, but 50 pounds later, it doesn't so much.
Gosh your hands must have been hurting knitting with that yarn ;) My first sweater doesn't fit...sigh..
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