Thursday, May 06, 2010

Not So Quick Socks . . .

Way back in February, I had been a slacker.  (Not to say I haven't been a slacker before, or even after, February . . . but for today let's let the rest of my slackerness slide.)  The end of the month was quickly drawing to a close and I hadn't even cast on a pair of February socks for Sock A Month 9.  So I did a very smart thing.  I dug out some pretty yarn and cast on a wee pair of socks, knowing that I could gift them to one of many new babies girls that would be arriving to my friends in the next couple of months.

February ended, and alas, the socks weren't finished.  March got underway, and the socks weren't finished.  March ended, and the socks weren't finished.  April got underway, and the socks weren't finished.  On Friday night, April finished up . . . and finally so did the socks!!!

Cast on: 26 February 2010
Completed: 30 April 2010
Yarn: Zwerger Garn Opal Petticoat
Needles: US1 (2.25mm) DPN

Cute? Yes.  Fun?  You bet!  Quick?  Not so much . . . but that is entirely the fault of the knitter!


Marissa said...

awwww, so cute!

Walden said...

Those are adorable!

Qutecowgirl said...

I love baby socks! So cute!!

Anonymous said...

They are truly SQUEE-worthy! Cute!

Jennifer said...

Sometimes projects have a way of doing that. These sure are adorable! They were worth the wait

knitseashore said...

They are going to look so cute with a little knitted sweater and tiny pair of jeans!!

sara said...

Absolutely precious! I have a lot of respect for the folks doing SAM 9. I can't even seem to manage one pair a year.

Melissa said...

Cute!! I have those in the adult version.

kathy b said...

really adorable. LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM . You inspired me!

Melanie said...


Pirk said...

Oh, how adorable.
Need to make some, for sure.

I just noticed your Cashmere yarn,
I am totally jealous now.

kathy b said...

Too long without a new post....I hope you are okay my friend...hugs to KC

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