Monday, April 19, 2010

Brilliant Idea . . .

I was hopping around blogs this morning when I came across this-  Knit and Crochet Blog Week!!

Seven days. Seven topics (plus one "wild card" topic if one of the topics gives you bloggers block).  A bunch of knitters and crocheters sharing their own spin on the topic of the day.  Sounds great, doesn't it?  Head over and sign up too!


Lynn said...

Thanks for posting! I seem to blog better with a plan in mind....

kathy b said...

Oh I better check it out too!

sara said...

Thanks for sharing! I'm so in!

Qutecowgirl said...

Great idea! I joined up. I swear there are times I want to blog but just don't know what to write. Plus I sometimes get great ideas when I am either in bed or somewhere out and about and by the time I get to my computer poof ideas are gone.

knitseashore said...

Thank you -- I will check it out!!

cpurl17 said...

What a cute idea! I should do it since I never blog anymore!!

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