Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday Snapshots . . .

Today was a good day.  It started with a big cup of coffee and time to browse through a new magazine that came in yesterday's mail.

Which inspired me to do a bit of baking using one of the new recipes in the magazine.  It was a huge success.

Then there was a walk along the seawall in town.

We all enjoyed the view, especially Chloe, my brother-in-law's dog.  (My dog-niece??)

The walk continued along the beach.

Where there was a sign with a sense of humor!  I loved this.

We even took some great pictures of my latest finished knitting project.  And some not so great ones as well.

I could use more Sundays just like this one!


Trina said...

That dog sign is great!
I'm guessing the great FO pictures will be in your next post? It looks really pretty just from this photo though! :)

Anonymous said...

Your niece-dog is adorable!!!

Yummy looking cookies. I got the magazine in the mail too, but haven't had a chance to browse through it yet.

Anonymous said...

mmm cookies! Its getting to that time of year isn't it? I need to get my supplies tomorrow when I go grocery shopping, I'm in charge of dessert for Thanksgiving :)
The sign is cute! Gotta love a sign with humor.
Can't wait to see your FO pictures!

Jennifer said...

Sounds like a fantastic day! Love the scarf picture. Very fun.

Qutecowgirl said...

Love the dog sign! Oh the sound looks so nice for a walk. I would love to live that close. Well I live close to the ocean side but boy is it windy and cold lately.

Mmmm cookies.


kathy b said...

That would be your niece. Chloe is adorable! So is your scarf........

Zonda said...

yummy cookies! Love the FO shoot ;) That sign is so funny too!

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