So, perhaps you saw my confession of my little addiction a few days ago? Well, when I tried to have a little hit today, here's what I saw.
Click to enlarge.
Oh hell no. NetFlix has sent me to rehab? Really, who knew my Weeds was a limited supply. How could NetFlix leave me hanging until next month. I didn't think my problem was that bad.
You don't think they'll start to monitor my Fiber Addiction next, do you? Because I could be in some big trouble. Being cut off from NetFlix for the rest of the month is bad enough. The Fiber Police would probably send me to rehab for a whole year!
haha... I've never seen that show, you're making me want to go start watching right now though lol
I haven't seen Weeds, but am surprised Netflix cut you off. Wouldn't they want to keep you addicted, no matter the cost? ;)
I didn't realize there was a limit of hours given! Yikes!!!! That's like giving you free drugs (weed?) and then making you pay for it once you are hooked!
Weeds is absolutely addicting! The show has so many turns and so much adrenaline. I cannot believe you got cut off!!
oh noes!!!
There's a limit? It must not apply to the Roku box.
if anyone, that isn't a knitter, where to monitor my fiber addiction. I would be in the nuthouse for sure. My husband already raises his eyebrow to all the yarn in the house, not for very long however since he knows what's good for him.
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