Can you remember? I can. I was writing my very first blog post!! Wow!
Four years. 493 posts. Over 120 finished projects. 30 pairs of socks. Dozens and dozens of wonderful bloggy pals. Lots and lots of comments, which I treasure more than you know. And way too much yarn to count!!

It feels like we should have a contest, doesn't it? What kind of contest should we have? Hmmm, I don't know. How about just that? Okay, announcing the . . .
To enter, leave me a comment with a great idea for a contest. How would winners be chosen? What would the prize be? You have until midnight on Monday, August 17th to leave your contest idea in the comments. The winner can choose either a skein of sock yarn from my LYS in the color family of your choice or a $20 gift card to your favorite yarny web-site.
Get those creative contest juices flowing!!
Happy Blogiversary!
Four years ago??? This is something I remember -- it was the day after I got married and we were here at home, just puttering around!!
I'll have to think about the contest.
Congratulations on your 4 year blog anniversary. That's amazing...120 FOs!
For your contest, maybe you could ask 4 questions where the answers are located somewhere on your blog. ;)
Have fun!
Happy Blogiversary!! Sorry, no ideas...sad huh!
You can do the all about me meme -- 10 questions about you that regular readers of your blog should be able to answer. For those who get all ten correctly, you can do the random number generator.
Maybe the prize could be a Karen prize, your favorite yarn or yarn in your favorite color, something like that.
Holy cow that's a lot of sock yarn! How about you have people guess how many miles you've accumulated? Congratulations on four years of blogging. I'll be on my fourth year in September... time goes fast my friend.
Congrats! Not sure on the contest, not all that creative with those myself.
Happy blogiversary, Karen!
How about asking people to confess to the number of UFO's? Or count how many sweaters and socks worth of yarn they have in the stash?
Wow Wow Wow!! 4 Years!! I remember 4 years ago I was starting potty training (I had 3 in diapers at the time! I was also lucky if I got to sit for 5 minutes let alone do anything. Though I did pick knitting back up about 6 months later.
As far as contest well I got nothing Sorry!
Happy blogiversary! What did we do with our time before we knitted and blogged?
I like the 10-things-we-know-about-Karen contest idea.
Congrats on 4 years! I've got a lot of catching up to do. For my recent one year contest I had folks put a knitting spin on passages from thier favorite literary works. We had a lot of fun with it, check it out here. I think it would also be fun with song titles or lyrics.
Congrats on 4 years!!!
More than four years congrats on the 493 blogs. that is huge. Yours is the first knitting blog I came to. I am very interested in starting to knit but am wondering whether I could do it as it looks very complicated. Your collection is amazing!
Happy Blogiversary!
Contest idea: a blog scavenger hunt?
I've only known you 4 years? no way! Well 4 years ago 8/13 was the last day I could be 45. Today is my birthday. So it should be a contest for anyone who has a birthday the day after your blogaversary.
Hee heee heee
I love the scavenger hunt idea. Dont know how that would work.
Another idea:
You have to list a 4 ingredient recipe.
or You have to do someting FOUR someone else that is knit related.
4 years already...let's see 4 years ago I was I can't find one. OH Well!
Contest ideas are hard but fun..I'm doing a show me your know the one that sits next to your favorite chair and holds all your stuff.
Ideas that come to mind are
Show me your stash
The Craziest place I store my yarn
Crazy places I knit...
those are afew ideas...have fun with your contest.
I'm too late to enter the contest but I just wanted to say Happy Blogiversary!!!! 4 years! That's awesome.
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