So tell me, what would you do if you knew you had more yarn than you could ever knit in a life-time? You'd probably stop buying yarn, right?
But what if you had planned to take a trip to Ct Sheep and Wool? Maybe you wouldn't worry too much, since last year there wasn't anything there that caught your eye. But you'd probably bring a bit of your saved up Christmas money along, just in case. After all, there might be something absolutely irresistible there this year, right? Some sock yarns in colorways that just can't be passed up. And maybe a cashmere blend that is too soft, too pretty, too reasonably priced not to come home with you.
And then, what if you and your wonderful husband decide to take a little detour to the casino on the way home from the fiber festival? It couldn't hurt to play the penny slots a bit, just for fun, right? But then, what if you hit? What if you hit big? What if you hit for $850.00???? Why, you'd cash out and go on home with your treasure, wouldn't you?

But then, what if the next weekend rolls around? And you are taking a little road trip up to New Hampshire for your godson's First Communion? And on the way home, you'd be driving Right. Past. Webs. During their anniversary sale. Well, you'd just have to stop in and take a look around, wouldn't you? Of course, you would keep reminding yourself about all that yarn you have at home. But what if your husband kept saying "But honey, you won all the money last week. You should go ahead and treat yourself to something nice"? Well, you'd have to do just that, wouldn't you?
Is it just me? Do I have some kind of rare Yarn Flu that causes me to lose all of my inhibitions? Or would you do the very same thing?
Single-handedly supporting the economy should never be viewed as a bad thing!
If it brings you joy, my buddy, then I hope the flu is hard to get over! We have mega space issues here in our humble abode. I am going to forego the stash enhancements until I've bought the new camera. Let's see if I can do this !!!
Well played, I'd probably do the same!
No I would have spent all of the money! So you see you did better then me!
I think I would have spent it all and then felt incredibly guilty nonetheless. But I am a firm believer that life is short, and we should treat ourselves more often!
I would do the same thing. If I was feeling remorseful, I might go through my stash and see if I wanted to rid myself of anything that no longer held appeal. Things change and we need to keep uo
What fun! I love the yarn that you got.....guilt free! You are going to LOVE those Pony needles, they are so great for socks!
Um... I'm wondering why you didn't take the rest of your winnings and head to Maryland Sheep and Wool??Don't you just love how the rest of your blogging buddies are so wonderful at enabling?
Love the treasures you found. They look scrumptious. Happy knitting.
PS - I saw Uncle Nick last week and he asked if I had seen you lately. We really should get together soon. When are you free?
Knit won't feel the guilt!
Woohoo! Great purchases! It would have been hard not to spend it all, you have much restraint :)
I agree with Marissa, supporting the economy is wonderful. I always love when I can go 'shopping' in my stash in the closet :)
CT Sheep and Wool AND WEBS?!!? Personally I think you showed great restraint!
It's the wool fumes... the first thing to go is inhibition. Before long you're rolling in sheep hair.
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