Thursday, October 16, 2008

A year ago today . . .

I ventured out onto my front porch with a cat carrier and some treats.  For the first time ever, I set about coaxing a cat into a carrier.  A few hours later, after a trip to the vet, Charlie was ours.

I can't believe it's been a year.  I can't believe he's gone.  Sometimes I think I dreamed the whole thing.

Missing him still hurts . . . . a lot.  Especially today.  But it's so worth the 4 months we got to spend with him.  I'd never trade those days for anything.


Jessica said...

Big hugs to you! I hope you can heal enough to let another cutie like Charlie in your life again when you're ready.

Qutecowgirl said...


Melissa said...


kathy b said...

So the only cure you know, is to take the kitty he is sending you know.

Anonymous said...

I understand how you still miss him. I have days where I just want my Amos (who has been gone almost two years) to climb into my lap to snuggle.

Charlie was a blessing to you!

Zonda said...


Heide said...

I miss reading about your dear Charlie too. I know how much he meant to you. Kitty hugs from afar!

Andrea said...

*hugs from here*

It's just so hard, but it does get easier, I can promise.

Sonya said...

Sending you hugs too, Karen. I remember thinking when you got him, "Wow, Karen's going to have cat hair in her house." ;o) I understand how much you miss him.

Jennifer said...

Ah, sweet Charlie. (((hugs)))

jessica said...

Awww.... Charlie... i'll send you hugs too!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry the memory of Charlie still hurts so much. I wish I could take the hurt away.

{{{{HUGE HUGS}}}}

cpurl17 said...

Belated hugs. Charlie was a very special kitty!

knitseashore said...


((((huge hugs))))

Noey D. said...

I still miss my childhood dog!! (Beauregard!) Charlie was a very lucky cat - his last days were happy because of you.

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