Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Presenting my latest "project" . . .


I never in my life thought I would have a cat. I'm not a cat person. And OCD me couldn't imagine letting an animal roam around my house. But Charlie had other ideas.

He showed up a few weeks ago, purring at us whenever we left the house. He charmed us from the start. I worried about where he was from and where he would go. He was obviously a pet turned stray. I noticed he hung around next door a lot, so we went over and asked the neighbors about him.

It turns out, he belonged to our neighbor's mother, who had lived around the corner from us. She was recently put in a nursing home, and her other son (who lived with her) decided he didn't want the cat anymore. So our neighbors had set up food and a bed in their garage until they decided what to do. (Their cat died a month or so ago, and they had promised their kids a dog.)

I still didn't want a cat. But I found myself putting a water dish on my front porch for him. I found myself going out several times a day to pet him. I found myself checking out the windows regularly to make sure he was there and he was okay. When I came outside, he began walking to the door and staring inside. He seemed to want to come in and live with us.

Turns out, I've gotten very attached to little Charlie. He's about 16 years old, and according the the vet today, he only has two teeth. Getting him into the carrier was not something I'm looking forward to again, but we made out okay. He was a trooper, even through two shots and a stool sample. He's doing well for a cat his age, so knock wood, he will be with us for a while.

Now that he's been to the vet, I've finally adopted him for real and let him come inside! He seems to be settling in fine. I'm resisting the urge to follow him around constantly. I have to learn to give up some control, and let him explore a little.

But for now, it's been a big day for us both. He's found a nice place for a nap.

I think I'll go join him.


Ragan Knits etc... said...

Awww...CONGRATS to you and to Charlie (for picking loving new owners). You sound very happy!

Sue J. said...

Bless you, bless you, bless you for giving Charlie a loving home. I'm about as OCD as they come. But I've learned that sharing our lives and home with a loving pet overcomes my compulsion for neatness and cleanliness. I promise, you will not be sorry you have done this. Animals know when they have been rescued. He will return 10-fold what you give him.

Sourire11 said...

Congrats to both you and Charlie! What a sweet addition to your home. And I totally agree with Sue J - animals know when someone resuces them...

Gingersnaps with Tea... said...

Congratulations, a 16-year-old cat would have no real hope of being adopted if his former owner's family didn't want him. You have no doubt literally saved his life! Having pets is very rewarding. Mine may sometimes drive me crazy, especially when they get into the knitting, but they are also wonderful additions to any home mess not withstanding.

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet I actually have tears in my eyes. I am such a sucker for animals in need.


The A.D.D. Knitter said...

There is nothing more exciting than being adopted by a cat! I had to smile at the name because 'Charlie' was our family cat for 18 years and he was black and white, just like your Charlie!!

cpurl17 said...

Another one with tears in my eyes. What a lucky, lucky cat to have found you. At his age, you won't have to deal with typical kitten antics (chewing thru wires, climbing the drapes)

XOXOXOO Charlie!

p.s. I'm a crazy cat lady so if you need any kitty 411, email me!!

Elizabeth said...

I've got tears in my eyes, not due to allergies. What a sweetie! He'll fit in perfectly, and will always be up for a nap.

Olga said...

Aww! He looks like he's perfectly at home, and you definitely sound like you love him already. As someone who's dithered for a while now on adopting a cat, your post gives me lots of food for thought. Congratulations!

Kristin said...

He's so cute! I always had cats growing up and we got all of them the same way! They were all older males too! :)

Anonymous said...

He's a beautiful cat! Glad you found a new friend and he found a new home.

Anonymous said...

He's absolutely gorgeous, and I am sooo happy you've let him into your heart.

Anonymous said...

Well, this is how it is done. They most certainly find you, now don't they? I'm so happy he has someone to love again. Be prepared for a life changing experience; he will bring so much joy to your life as all pets do that find you.

KT said...

Oh, *squee*! You guys are such incredible people for taking in a 16-year-old animal with open arms. He looks content and I'm sure he'll have a truly happy existence with you.

Chrissy said...

Hi Charlie! Nice to meet you! It's really great that you guys adopted him. I'm always wanting to adopt all the neighborhood cats. My husband won't let me :(

Sonya said...

Yay for Charlie! And yay for you! You'll love having him around. It looks like he's made himself right at home.

Anonymous said...

Owww lovely kitty, and he's lucky he has found you and a loving home!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the both of you :o)

Jenny Raye said...

How sweet! Looks like you've got a great companion. My parents adopted our first cat that way more than 40 years ago. He lived to a ripe old age and was a wonderful pet. Congrats to you both!

elizabeth marley said...

It's hard to resist the urge to follow them around all the time! I've had my cat for a year, and I still follow her around constantly. I think she wears the pants in this relationship!

jessica said...

Oh how sweet! he is too cute! I think he picked you;O) I'm glad you found each other. I hope he knows to stay away from the yarn :O) teehee

kathy b said...

16 years old, two teeth and they let him out to fend for himself. what are people thinking? You are a doll to take him in. He looks great napping. Good for you.

Kris said...

Congrats on being adopted. (Really - he did the adopting, don't you think?)

Heide said...

Every knitter needs a kitty or two. It's like a rule or something. Of course, I could be slightly prejudiced as they are my favorite animal. We adopted an elderly 16 year+) kitty almost 3 years ago and I love her dearly. I'm so happy for you, Pea and of course, Charlie. Welcome home kitty! PS making felted kitty toys is easy and addicting.

Anonymous said...

My gosh, the cuteness!!! You have such a big heart for giving this little furry thing such a good and loving home - and you'll see, he'll thank you for it in the most amazing way! Having had a cat for the last 18 years, I can't imagine life without her! You're going to have a lot of fun with him - do give him a deep belly-rub from me, will you?

KeanaLee said...

So awesome, you giving this cat a place to lay his head in the later years of his life, now he will feel loved & comforted. Good for you.

a friend to knit with said...

lovin your new friend and his name! :)

Jennifer said...

Welcome Charlie! What a lucky kitty. Enjoy your new furry friend.

Unknown said...

How sweet of you to be so concerned that you took him in. You know what they say, first it's one cat, then it's another cat, then another ....

He looks so sweet and I'm not particularly a cat person either. What a lucky cat, although I feel sorry for him having his previous owner taken away from him. That breaks my heart.

Karen said...

Aww, I'm so glad you are Charlie were able to come to an agreement. Sounds like he played the waiting game and it paid off. lol Very kind of you. They touch your hearts before you know what has happened, and then you are stuck! Bless you!

MissyJoon said...

Charlie is so lucky to have you!!!!!! He's adorable!

christine karr said...

Smart Charlie - he knew where he wanted to live.............(he's pretty handsome!) Congratulations - you're getting closer to having a little dachshund in the household.

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