Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Idiot Switch

Yeah, this Oil Burner Emergency Switch must have gotten switched to Off some time during the summer.  Since we have gas heat, I've never paid attention to that switch.  I just figured it was an old switch left from an old oil burner that had been taken out before our gas furnace was put in.

One flick of the switch, and we have heat again.  Okay,so the repair man must think we're idiots.  But at least we don't have a huge repair bill to pay!!


Melissa said...

You have heat. That's all that matters.

Qutecowgirl said...

HaHaHa sorry I think it is funny since well the same thing has happened here. Who would have thought that an oil burner switch would have anything to do with gas heat.


Glad it was something simple

Julie said...

Oops! I wouldn't have know that had anything to do with gas heat either!

Anonymous said...

Hee! All home maintenance problems should be so easy!!

Anonymous said...

ah!! I hope he didn't charge too much to flip your switch. :)

Heide said...

Fabulous! This is the exact sort of thing that I'm famous for. I'm glad you didn't have a huge repair bill and that you have heat again.

Kym said...

Oops!! Well, at least that's over and you know what to do next time :)

I lived in an apt with oil heat once and the tank's gauge was broken- you didn't know it was out of oil until it was freezing cold in the house :)

jessica said...

Oops! We all do things like that! Hope you didn't have to pay a ton for a flip of a switch... I'm glad you have heat!

bmom said...

I don't know how those switches flip themselves. Ours is sneaky like that too! [Nothing like a nice cold shower on a cold morning.]

Jessica said...

That totally sounds like something I would do. At least it wasn't a major bill I hope!

Anonymous said...

Oopsies! I hope he didn't charge you a fortune to flip that switch! ;o)

Tonni said...

hehehe... the same thing happened to me when we had to turn on the heat in our current home. there is a switch on an angled 2x4 in the attic that isn't even close to the furnace that needed flipped!! the repair man told me it happens all the time :)

knitseashore said...

What *does* the oil switch have to do with gas heat? We only have oil, so I'm curious. :)

~RaenWa~ said...

Glad it was something simple I am sure the repairman as seen this before

Confessions of a Knitting Diva said...

I'm glad it wasn't a costly repair. It looks like you had a good time at Rhinebeck!!! Have fun knitting with all that new yarn.

Unknown said...

Oh my God! I can totally relate! As a single woman I have called a repair man for just about everything. And of course they think it is *cute* but I just don't to burn the house down or something! BTW,I love your pansy socks!

Marissa said...

Aha ha ha !!!!
That's great!!
So glad to know I'm not the only one who has those moments!!
going off to see if I have one of those switches, even though my heat is working...

Anonymous said...

glad you have heat now :)

even better it didnt cost a heap to fix!

Jennifer said...

Well at least it was a quick and easy fix! LOL!

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