Three years ago today, I did my very first blog post.
What is there to say that hasn't already been said before?
I love working on my blog, because I love fiddling with coding and doing web stuff. I love my blog for the memories it holds. I love being able to scroll through posts and remember what I was doing (both in knitting and in life) at any point over the last three years.
But most of all, I love the friends I have made through blogging. Over the past three years, I've made friends who've been just as important (if not more important) than friends I know in "real life". Great friends who are so supportive and who share in my life - and allow me the honor of sharing in their's. Over three years, some friends have faded away - and although that always makes me sad, I'm never sad for long. Because before you know it, another wonderful friend has come along who means just as much.
So thank you, my friends, for sticking with me and my little blog. I may not post as much as I used to - but I'm not going anywhere. Thanks to your support and friendship, my blog and I are here to stay for another three years (at least)!
Happy Blogiversary!
Happy blogday! It is fun isn't it?
Well Happy 3rd Blogiversary!!
Happy blogiversary! I love it for all the same reasons you do; most of all the friends.
Three years is quite an accomplishment blog-wise. It is interesting how one develops friends online.
Congrats on another year!
Happy blogiversary! Here's to many, many more. :)
Happy Blogiversary!!
Happy Blogiversary!
Yay! Happy Blogavesary! Thanks to you I just re-discovered that mine is in a week - silly how you forget, isn't it?
*clink* CHEERS!
Happy Blogiversary!
Happy blogiversary!
Cheers! YAY! I'm glad you're still going!
Wow - I bet those 3 years went by quickly! Congratulations and I'm glad I got to meet you through your blog.
Happy Blogiversary!!! Time flies when you're having fun!
I'm sure glad you've stuck it out these last 3 years. I completely understand about blogging friends being more important than "real friends". You definitely are to me!
Happy Anniversary and I wish you many many many more!
Yours was one of the first blogs I really enjoyed and you were one of the first people to comment on my blog, so thanks for all of that!!
Happy Happy Anniversary. You are the best! I too wonder if I can say anything that hasn't been said before. Probably not, but I am addicted to posting! YOU know. Blog friends are a great part of life. Who knew we'd be in for such a grand surprise? I could never have imagined, such a thing as a youngster. A cell phone would have blown my mind.
Wouldn't it be maddening to know what would come and have to WAIT for it to be created?
Happy blogiversary!! I am so glad to have met you through our blogs, and hope one day we can meet in person! I have met some of the best friends that way too.
Belated Happy Blogiversary my dear!
Doesnt the years fly by?
Hope you have many more to come.
Happy Blogaversary!
Happy Blogiversary! May there be many, many more! Sorry about the previous comment. Sheesh...
Happy Blogiversary!! :)
Happy Blogiversary Karen, You have always been such a good friend to me and I am so grateful for the blogs that led me to you! I wish you many more years of blogging and many more friends :)
A belated happy blogiversary! Here's to many more years of blogging!
Sorry I am late!
Congrats to you!!!!
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