Monday, August 11, 2008

Love Letter to a Sweater . . .

Dear Sweater:

Your yarn was bought on-line last year, at a great bargain, with another pattern in mind. It sat and sat and sat in the stash, because I wasn't sure I could really knit a wearable sweater.

Then, in January, things started to get bad. I was yearning for a simple knit. Something stockinette, something in the round. I remembered a pattern I had picked up over a year ago (#9726), at a LYS sale. It was the perfect match, and you were finally begun.

I knit on you when I was too upset to concentrate on anything. I knit through worried tears while Charlie was sick. And I knit through tons of sorrowful tears when Charlie was gone. Then, the weather started to get warm, and I put you aside.

But one day, I decided the time had come to get you finished. I did enjoy the knitting, the simple stockinette, round and round, soothing and mindless. I tried you on often, and wasn't sure you'd fit. (After all, I did a big no-no and cast you on without even knitting a gauge swatch.) But I forged ahead, even in humid weather not conducive to knitting wool.

At long last, you were off the needles. I ignored you for a while, then finally worked up the courage to block you. I left you alone for the several days it took you to dry. And then, I tried you on.

BLISS . . . . PURE BLISS!!! Blocking worked it's magic, and you are soft and snuggly. You are no longer too tight - you have the loose boxy fit I was hoping for in a sweater planned for lounging around a cold house this winter. To my surprise, I think I might even wear you out - your soft heathery gray will be a perfect casual compliment to a nice pair of jeans on the weekends.

I apologize, dear sweater, for ever doubting you. I apologize for the crappy pictures with this letter, as they are not worthy of your gorgeousness. You are much more flattering than these shlumpy pictures, taken on a rainy day, suggest. Thank you for the pleasure of knitting you, dear Comfort Sweater. Thank you for helping me though some hard times.

And thank you for boosting my sweater knitting confidence so much that I've already cast on a lady friend for you.

Love and Kisses,
Mostly Self-Taught Knitter


Jennifer said...

Cute post and adorable sweater!

Anonymous said...

great job! It looks so cozy. oh, and nice dancing trophies. :)

Liz R. said...

What a great job on the sweater and what a cutie-pie YOU! Enjoy your beautiful sweater!

bmom said...

It looks like a true comfort sweater, very warm and cozy.

Blocking is a miracle.

Qutecowgirl said...

It came out great!!!! It looks so cozy all you need is a little cooler weather and a cup of tea!!!

Kristin L. said...

Very nice!!

Zonda said...

Yay!!! Looks great! So happy for you! :) Now it'll have a friend huh? ;)

Julie said...

what a great sweater! I keep meaning to note the pattern so I can look for that one, my local LYS doesn't carry those.

Sonya said...

Great sweater! Truly worthy of a love letter. Looking forward to seeing your FLS progress.

kathy b said...

Oh, It is a great letter. THe heather grey is perfet. Im so happy it is a wonderful knit. HOw nice a kitten would look against it. Don't you think?

Suzanne said...

I love that first picture! What an awesome sweater.

SeattleAmy said...

Awesome...sweater AND post for the blog!

Anonymous said...

You are so clever with your posts. That sweater does look absolutely perfect. Bravo!

Andrea said...

It's just gorgeous - you can make a perfect sweater after all that! Now I can't wait to see your February Lady Sweater!

Anonymous said...

your sweater looks like it is *the* most comfortable sweater! And it looks beautiful on you too! Great job, you made a lovely wearable sweater : )

knitseashore said...

It came out so well! I love that it has a story too. It will keep Charlie close to you.

Noey D. said...

Gorgeous! Looks so good on you! I have that pattern too, and I'm contemplating the February Lady Sweater. Can't wait to see your progress.

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