***long post, lots of pictures, but it's worth it . . . I swear ***
The melt-downs that were happening last week were quickly erased by the awesome weekend I had! Our dance performance on Friday went really well - although I was the only one who remembered all my steps. Unfortunately, when the instructor who was dancing with me forgot his steps, he held me back from the spin I was correctly trying to do. I'm sure on the video it will look like I forgot my step. Speaking of the video, when it comes I'll try to upload it here so you can see us in action. I'm hoping if I do that, you'll forgive me for leaving my camera in my bag all night when it was supposed to be taking pictures of us in our costumes. You can, however, see the tacky trophies we got for participating. Oooohhhhhh.
Our costumes were 50's inspired, and I found the cutest little ponytail tie that looked like a scarf for my hair. Good thing the performance was on Friday night, because by mid-morning on Saturday my ponytail length hair was gone. I ended up with quite a short cut, especially in the back, but I really love it. It's a layered bob that angles from really short in the back to a bit longer on the sides. Here is my hair before (from the WEBS pictures) and now.
It was very hard to get good pictures of the front and sides. I resorted to the bathroom mirror shot to try and show the front. And don't ask me why that little piece of hair is sticking up in the back on my side shot - I hope it doesn't usually do that!!
Sunday . . . well, Sunday was the best day of the whole weekend. It was our local Stitch N' Pitch event. Seventy knitters and friends / families of knitters hit the Bluefish stadium for some fiber and baseball fun. A brief downpour in the second inning caused a bit of a problem, but most of us stuck it out. It was so much fun to be out in the fresh air, meeting fellow bloggers and Ravelers, admiring projects and yarns. Our organizer did a wonderful job getting the event together (I had hoped to link his blog, but it looks like he's not blogging anymore.) We were all shocked by the amount of swag he scored for our goody-bags. At the risk of sounding completely materialistic, the remainder of this post will be all about the loot! Here's a picture of the haul Pea and I brought home.

So, what door-prizes did we win. Well, I have to say, I was completely stunned at the awesomeness of everything given away. The first one I opened (from Pea's ticket) made me squeal so loud a dozen muggles turned around to stare at me. What did I yell?

But wait . . . . there's more. I still had my door-prize to open. You won't believe this . . . . but my prize was even better . . . .
What could be better than 100% cashmere?
Hmmmm, what COULD be better than cashmere?
Maybe . . . . .
Two skeins of . . . . . .

Why no, it's not available for sale yet. Why yes, two skeins are on my coffee table, being fawned over with every spare moment I have. Just looking at it makes me feel dizzy and slightly faint. I have a feeling it's going to be on the needles mere moments after I hit the Publish button on this post. I almost slept with it under my pillow last night, but I was afraid I'd toss and turn a bit to much and get it all tangled up. We wouldn't want that!!
Cashmere!!!!!! You are living right!
Love the Malabrigo test color. Just love love love it.
I know you'll make something incredible with both.
Cashmere cowl....????
Hehe..here I thought you and Pea would be fighting to have the skein under your pillows ;) Nice haul there :)
You are gonna love that cashmere. I bought some with some birthday money last year. Mmmmmm.... I almost frogged the scarf just to feel it running through my fingers again. And Malabrigo! Talk about a great weekend! Love the haircut too!
Cashmere and malabrigo!!! You lucky girl!
Ohmygosh Malabrigo sock yarn!!!!!
Wow... that is awesome free yarn!!!
I like your new haircut. :) I keep thinking about cutting mine off. maybe soon...
CASHMERE! Wow, what a haul. I've never attended a stitch and pitch, but this is wonderful motivation. Congratulations on your dancing trophies... the people need some tiny little hats or scarves though. I just got the same haircut a couple of weeks ago. It's wonderful to care for and it feels great to have the weight off of my neck. But yours looks better than mine. Cheers!
Love your hair cut........very cute!
Malabrigo Sock Yarn.....huhuhuhu, I can hardly breath at the thought!!!! Can't wait until that comes out!! :)
Have a great week!
O.M.G. I have to keep going back and looking at it and fanning myself. I think I'm feeling a bit faint. Malabrigo Sock Yarn. Oh my. You are like the luckiest knitter in the entire world!
WoW!! Love the trophies, I am so envious of you for being able to dance! I am such a bad dancer that at my grad... my father walked off the floor during the father daughter dance (he's a fantabulous dancer). Cashmere AND Malibrigo... the yarn godess is smiling on you big time. Can't wait for the Malibrigo sock yarn to go public--CAN NOT WAIT!!
Nu-UH! Malabrigo sock yarn!?!? Plus cashmere AND a fabulous new haircut? You are one lucky knitter!
WOW!!!! you made out!!
cashmere and malabrigio sock yarn. Jealous, so jealous.
= )
Malabrigio sock yarn?!?! That's... wow... WOW!
I would have cuddled that yarn, I swear...sigh...oh, and your hair will behave soon enough, mine always does that after I lop off a good chunk of it. My hair dresser says you have to "train" it to go back into place...sounds weird, right?
Whoah, that is some nice yarn!!! And a fabulous haircut to boot.
Shut the front door!! Your door prizes rock! I know you realize how lucky you are, but can I just tell you how lucky you are? I can't wait for you to knit with both fantastic yarns and do a thorough review of them.
I absolutely love your new cut. That will keep you a bit cooler in the summer also.
No photos of you in costume. Bummer. I sure hope you do post the video once you receive it. That would be so cool.
What a great post! I'm green with envy but you deserve all of it! The trophy! The cute haircut! the cashmere and the malabrigo! Wow!
That is a cute haircut! And the goodies, wow! I don't think the Brewer's will do it up quite that big when we go next month, but we did get some nice things last year... so a knit-girl can dream!
There really are very few things that make one feel better than a great haircut, but one is a rockin' goodie bag! I'll go anywhere with the promise of a goodie bag!
What a pretty haircut! And wow, did you get treasures in those goody bags!
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