Friday, June 06, 2008

Harlot Day Yarn P*rn - sock yarn edition

The wait is over!!! As promised, here is my post with all the sock yarn I bought at WEBS!!!

Okay the first one technically isn't sock yarn.

cascade superwash
But it counts, because I'm going to knit socks with it. These two skeins of Cascade 220 Superwash are destined to become Log Cabin Socks from Handknit Holidays.

Next up, I couldn't resist snatching up a couple of skeins of WEBS own sock yarn, Franklin, dyed by their very own Kangaroo Dyer. I guess I was on a red kick, because the first skein is Cherries.
franklin red
And the beautiful blue skein is Midnight.
franklin blue

And lastly, the sock yarn I had set out to buy in the first place. Even before I knew all sock yarn was going to be 25% off that day. No matter what, I was coming home with some Shibui Sock. The first skeins of this . . . also named Midnight. Not much variation in my yarn choices that day, huh? But really, just look at it, how could you resist?
shibui blue
And the second skeins? Neither red nor blue!!! No, they beautiful jade greens called Peacock. Mmmmmm.
shibui jade

And that concludes the Sock Yarn portion of my WEBS trip. Next week, one more lone skein, in the Harlot Day - Luxury Yarn edition!!


Qutecowgirl said...

Yep i would consider it sock yarn.

I love the hand knit holiday book. It was bought on a whim, without looking in it and it was the first pattern book that I really liked.

Hmmm luxury yarn...can not wait to see =)

Zonda said...

Very pretty yarns!!

kathy b said...

You are making me be on the verge of a stash accident! Love your picks

cpurl17 said...

I think you did an excellent job at giving some gorgeous yarns a new home!

thegabbyknitter said...

Beautiful stash enhancement! Those socks look like they are going to be super comfy.

Sonya said...

Beautiful yarn! The Shibui colors are amazing.

knitseashore said...

Perfect for w*nt*r. :)

Amanda said...

Pretty stuff! By the way I love the look of your blog now, great colors!

(Amanda's Weekly Zen)

jessica said...

Love the yarn, especially the 2nd midnight sock yarn:O)

I'm sorry I've been absent... I need to catch up on all you've been doing! Looks like you've had fun!

Jennifer said...

Oooo, lovely yarn!

Anonymous said...

Ooh Ooh Ooh! I *love* them! Honestly (and I'm not even kidding), I would've chosen exactly the same skeins. Yum!

Jessica said...

I'm very behind but you've definitely made some lovely stash additions lately! And a Happy Belated Birthday too!

Gingersnaps with Tea... said...

Ooh I love Shibui! Nice choices, sounds like a great time.

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