Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year

So, we all made it through the holidays. I don't know about you, but it feels good to get back into the old routine. Of course, I'm not quite there yet. I'm still a bit under the weather with that evil cold, and Pea is home sick with it too. Oh well, at least I got the Christmas decorations down, and all my gifts put away. Tomorrow I'll tackle Pea's gifts, and over the weekend the tree is going too.

Now we all get to savor a new year. It is motivating, isn't it? All the things we are going to do differently. I love the feeling of a fresh start we get this time of year. I've already come up with my new knitting plan for 2008.

I will only have three active projects on the needles at any given time:

1) One of my current WIPs, which I will work in until it's done.
(Right now I'm still plodding along on the Perfect Pie Shawl - just a bit more than one wedge left, then the edging). Once all the WIPs are done, I will start one "large" project at a time.

2) Socks. First up are the ribbed socks I started in November. Once they are done, I will draw a sock yarn at random and knit it up.

3) A gift: I think I will start with another pair of socks.
(I'm in a bit of sock withdrawal.)

Also, I am knitting everything with stash yarn. (I just finished logging ALL the rest of my yarn into Ravelry - the yarn from Rhinebeck and from Christmas - and I could easily knit for years without buying any new yarn). So, no new yarn until Rhinebeck, except for yarn I might happen to get for my birthday and yarn I buy with the gift card my mom got me for Christmas.

Do you have a knitting plan for 2008?


cpurl17 said...

No knitting plans...I need to be FREE!

Also, I'm unorganized and can't control my spending when I'm in a yarn store.

jessica said...

I sort of have plans... I'd like to not have that many wip's and ufo's. Hence the top 10 stash project kal ;o) But nothing is concrete! I think I'll see how I do when the kal is over... We took out tree down today, it made me a bit sad. I hope you and pea are feeling better soon!

Olga said...

Happy new year, Karen! My only knitting plans are get the projects I have on the needles, off the needles when I get back to Austin. That includes Monkey socks and my vest from Fitted Knits. I could also knit from stash for a long time...maybe that should be a goal. At least one project should always be a stash project (pre 2008!).

Ariel said...

Happy New Year! I think I'm going to focus on finishing - or frogging - lingering WIPs and knitting from my stash. And I want to knit at least one sweater. And of course more socks.

sharon said...

Sounds like some of my plans too. I am working on the no more yarn, except am a member of one sock club and still waiting to hear if got into STR club. But that will be all (I hope). Want to clear up the WIP's and then do purposeful knitting.

Sarah said...

Goals. I love goals. Have a quite a few of my own.... one of which I am pleased to be working on with you - the SAM - yay! So far I am on track to have at least one pair finished for January - with another pair started.

Get better soon!

Sonya said...

I'm having sock withdrawal too! That Cherry Tree Hill is gorgeous. Ain't it grand having all your stash on Ravelry? I love being able to see it all without getting up.

Take it easy until you feel better!

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

I love the 'three project only' concept, it's sane and the right thing to do.

Personally I'm waiting until MD S & W to buy yarn...the stash is in a state of overload at the moment!

Danielle said...

I wish I could expect to be that good about starting large projects and finishing UFOs. Most of my projects that are sitting around right now are large ones! Ooops. :)
I haven't made any plans, but I probably should. Thanks for giving me a little motivation to start thinking about it!

Zonda said...

Try to keep active knitting projects at one time to a minimum(not giving a number, cause if I do, it won't work)
1 sweater going at a time (and actually have it fit!).
RIP a couple of projects that have been OTN or stitch holders too long

Jessica said...

Good goals you have there. And could you please pass the sock mojo? ;) I'm trying to knit from stash exclusively for a while too. Putting that stuff into Ravelry sure does make one realize how much one has!

Kyle William said...

my plan... not to buy yarn (unless I HAVE to) until July 4, 2008 - to try to finish up or frog what I have started - to organize (and maintain) my stash better.... and to continue to enjoy this addiction! :)

Kimberly said...

Oh you're good-all our Christmas decorations are still up. I hate the thought that it's all over and the pretty tree has to come down.
Oh my, only three projects at a time-you're really good. For me UFOs are like chips, I can't just knit one, or three for that matter.
Happy New Year to you too.

Ragan Knits etc... said...

That sounds like a great 3-step plan. :o)
I wish you the best and will keep sending positive vibes your way!

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