Tuesday, October 02, 2007

(Hopefully) a false alarm, and October Knit-List . . .

First I want to thank everyone for the good advice and wonderful sympathy after I freaked out on Sunday. I have a bit more of the stash to go through, but so far things are looking good. Poor Pea was home sick yesterday with that cold, so he helped me closely examine much of my yarn. We haven't found anything to send up a red flag about, and I also see no evidence of moths in any other areas of the house. Of course, I've stuffed lavender scented dryer sheets everywhere as a safe-guard for the future. They are giving me quite a head ache, but it's a small price to pay to protect all that beautiful yarn!!

*Big sigh of relief* On to the knitting. First, let's re-cap September.

  1. Finish either the Cape Cod socks or the Pillars of Atlantis socks. - DONE!! I finished my Cape Cod Socks.
  2. Knit another Amanda's Squatty Sidekick for Holiday Headstart. - DONE!! I'll be posting it next time.
  3. Knit the Casino Shawl - Not even close to being done, but I have been working on it. It still take quite a bit of concentration, but it's very fun to work on.

Not bad work for the month, I'd say. So, what's next?? In the upcoming months, one thing I want to work on is finishing all old projects that have been put into Hibernation. So, here we go . . .

  1. Finish the Casino Shawl.

  2. Dig out and finish Sunrise Circle. (I actually dug this out a few days ago and have been working on it every day! I hope to finish knitting it by Friday and seam it next week!!)

  3. Finish that Market Tote I started in August.

  4. And, because October is Socktober, socks, socks, socks!!


Anonymous said...

I bet your house smells lovely now... all lavender scented.

Get well soon!

Sonya said...

I'm very relieved for you! I had really ugly images going through my head. As diligent as you are about cleaning though, I'm thinking you'd have seen some evidence.

Anyway, whew!

Sourire11 said...

Ohmygosh if i were you I'd be freaking out too. I'm so happy that it's not moths b/c that would just be awful!

Hope you and Pea are both feeling better!

Zarzuela said...

Thank goodness you haven't found any critters. What a scare! Your oct. list seems pretty reasonable. The Casino Shawl is an interesting pattern. Can't wait to see yours!


cpurl17 said...

Crisis over, thank goodness!!

Hmm, I have a Sunrise circle jacket in the pile somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it was a false alarm and the yarn is safe!

Great October list!

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

I love how you ever the goal entered knitter!!

Zonda said...

Go you!! Good list! :)

Ariel said...

Oh good! So glad to hear that it was probably a bad skein. And your October list seems quite reasonable, with variety and a solidly challenging knit. Everything a To-Knit list should be!

Anonymous said...

Hurray for SOCKTOBER!
I finally got onto Flickr too. Yeah, I know, I am a tad behind!
Anyhow, I cannot wait to see what you finish this month!

Anonymous said...

I love that you make lists. You are so my kind of girl!! I think the only thing on my list is: work on the tangled yoke cardi without ruining it.

Jennifer said...

I'm so glad it was a false alarm! Whew!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear it's not moths in your house, this would have been a real nightmare, not only for your yarn - and mind you, I bet your house has a wonderful smell right now, I love the scent of lavender!
Sorry to hear that Pea hasn't been feeling well, there's some really nasty bugs around worldwise these days! Sending over lots of positive energies and I hope he'll be doing much better soon!

MissyJoon said...

I need to put you in charge of MY October list!!!!!! eek!

Anonymous said...

Wow you are a finisher! I daren't look in the WIP box, not this near to Christmas...

~Kristie said...

Two out of three? YEAH FOR YOU!!!

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