Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Perfect Afternoon . . .

Fresh baked (sugar-free) muffins and a hot cup of tea . . .

knitting and a warm blanket.

But tell me, is it really August? It feels more like October.


Anonymous said...

But this is New Engalnd, dear. We do get all four season, but not always one each, every year, and rarely in the proper order! :)

KeanaLee said...

I know how you feel, Pennsylvania weather has put me in the mood to knit away. AAAAAhhhhhhhhh maybe fall is closer than we think!

Anonymous said...

looks like a perfect day!

Kristin said...

I, too, have been knitting away. I LOVE this weather!!

Anonymous said...

I love this weather. Yes, Fall is on its way, but not before we get a few more days of muggy weather - up in the 80's and humid tomorrow.

Stephanie said...

Thank goodness - because I was just about ready to lose my mind with these super hot days. Our a/c was broken!

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Honey, it's October here too. We're having lamb stew for dinner!

Sonya said...

Looks like a wonderful day! We had a deluge on Sunday and I happily knitted all day. Bring on October!

sharon said...

mmm kids are going to sleep before it even gets dark.
Wish that was me this afternoon.

Ariel said...

Perfection! I can't remember the last time I wanted hot tea, let alone felt like turning on the oven. These last few days have been fantastic!

Zonda said...

Those look yummy!! Waaa I wanna go home to New England. I am hating these triple digits down here!!!

Twinkerbell said...

Oooo... looks nice and cozy. I definitely agree with you, the makings of the perfect afternoon. I can't wait for it to stop being hot here too. I love the Fall.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great way to spend an afternoon! I'm really enjoying the fall like weather. I'm not really looking forward to the return of summer at the end of the week.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday's turn to chilly weather had me working on my CSM - I won't tell you how many pairs of socks I finished ;o)

Wannabe said...

Le sigh. Can I come knit with you? I heard how nice and mild it is there right now and it makes me seriously homesick. Enjoy!

JenniferB said...

I guess I'll take cool over rain any day. We've had more than a week straight of rain...it's getting ridiculous. Anyway, I came from Jessica's blog..saw your comments. I like your metal dpns...where did you get those? And LOVE that plucky knitter yarn..lucky you!

Kyle William said...

sounds like a perfect weekend to me... wish I could do that instead of working... also kind of wish it were more chilly out... Los Angeles doesn't add to the quality of your scenario... if it were a little chilly and maybe a tiny bit rainy I'd love to be on a porch in a rocker knitting away... :)

Sourire11 said...

That does look like the perfect afternoon! Fall stopped by for awhile here, too. We're back to summer now, though.

Anonymous said...

Yesss - this seems perfect indeed! But wait - perfect for autumn, not for August! Did you really have such cold temperatures over there? Oy! We're supposed to get a major drop in temps too these next days, and well, the only thing I'm looking forward to with that is cuddling up with a blanket too ;)

Ragan Knits etc... said...

Darn now I want muffins....hahahha.
I am dieting...so I will have to try hard to pass on that. What peaceful pictures.

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