Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Socks, socks and more socks . . .

My next few posts will be all about socks. I got tagged for the sock drawer meme. I have a finished pair of socks I still haven't posted. But first off, I somewhat inherited a sock knit-along!

I've been a member of Sock A Month since Knittin Mom started it about a year and a half ago. I've always loved the low pressure feel of it, and it has kept me motivated to finish at least one pair of socks each month. It's great for staving off Second Sock Syndrome. For round 3, I became a hostess and helped with the big task of keeping track of the credits. When Chrissy decided it was time for her to move on and sent out a call for someone to coordinate the next round, I was glad to jump to the cause.

Sign ups have opened today and I'm happy to say there have been more than 50 invite-requests already. I have three wonderful co-hostesses signed up to help me keep everything running smoothly (and I'm sure they are wondering what they have gotten themselves into!!) If you would like to join in the sock knitting fun, click the button below to check it all out.


elizabeth marley said...

Hmm...This looks tempting! I've already offered to donate some sock yarn to the prize pool, but I'm not sure if I'll participate in the actual KAL.

Anonymous said...

Yay for socks - as Elizabeth said, this looks tempting indeed! Hmmm... will have to give this a thought - a deep thought! ;)

Sonya said...

Thanks for stepping up to the plate, Karen. I'm sure it's a huge undertaking. I've been suffering from second sock syndrome, but now I'm motivated!

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

How can I resist you and your evil sock temptress ways??

Kris said...

It looks like fun, but I still haven't finished the projects from the last 2 KAL that I joined... It would seem that KAL's are just another symptom of startitis for me...

BTW - this has to be one of the funniest verifications that I have ever had! sgtufykm

Jenny Raye said...

Oh boy! Another sock KAL. I just sent off my email. (Drumming fingers, waiting for the blog invite. Kidding ;o)

kathy b said...

Where's the meme? I love to read others meme's. What is meme an acronym for? Or is it ME ME?

MissyJoon said...

Who better than YOU to facilitate this kal??! I think we are all in for tons of sock fun! xo

Anonymous said...

I just signed up sounds like fun!

Can't wait to see your socks!

Ya-Ya said...

Hi Karen,

I have a ton of patterns for felted bags, so if you are hankerin' to make another one you are more than welcome to look through my book. I love to felt!

Wannabe said...

WOOHOO! I joined!

Jennifer said...

Yay for you moderating! There's no way I could keep up with a pair a month, but I'll be cheering from the sidelines!

jessica said...

How fun... I just e-mailed my sign up...I can't wait!

~Kristie said...

YEAH FOR YOU! I guess I better get signed up now!

Ragan said...

That is great!
I cannot wait to sign up! I missed the last one....but won't miss this.

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