Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Happy Anniversary

My town is on the coast. And you can look across the Sound and see Long Island. When I was a romantic teen-aged girl, I would stare across the water and wonder if my soul mate was out there on Long Island, waiting to meet me.

Eight years ago today, Pea and I went on our first date. It was then that I learned he had grown up on Long Island.

Three years ago today . . .

we were married! Maybe I'm psychic??

Do you know where we were married?Last night I mentioned that a spinning wheel would be the perfect gift for our fifth anniversary. After all, that is the traditional year for wood!! He just laughed and said "We'll see". Hmm, not looking so good, is it?

Happy anniversary, Sweetpea!!! You were worth the wait. I can't imagine my life without you.


Sonya said...

Happy anniversary! Beautiful wedding pictures too.

Cathy said...

Happy Anniversary to you both - I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness!

The Spinning Wheel Inn must have been a vision of things to come ;)

Wannabe said...

Awww, you guys are such a beautiful couple. Happy Anniversary K!

Le sigh. I miss CT so bad. Send me som Friendly's ice cream on dry ice. LOL!

Knitting in Pink said...

Happy Anniversary!

Zonda said...

Beautiful Wedding pictures! Happy Anniversary!

Ariel said...

Happy anniversary! Lovely photos, and too funny that you got married at the Spinning Wheel Inn!

Melissa said...

Happy Anniversary you two!! :)

Theresa said...

Happy Anniversary. And if you don't mind - what is holding your veil to your head? I love the way it frames your face. And I find that lately I do need to know these things.

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

You were a stunningly gorgeous bride, natch! Happy Anniversary!

KT said...

Awww! Happy anniversary!

Kristin said...

That is so cute! Happy Anniversary!

Annie said...

Happy Anniversary! I had no idea you got married just around the corner from where I LIVE!! Literally!

Jennifer said...

Happy Anniversary!

MissyJoon said...

Happy Anniversary--it was fate, I know! xo

Jennifer said...

Happy anniversary. I'm so happy for the two of you.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to you both!

Confessions of a Knitting Diva said...

Congratulations!! You both look very happy!

Scoutj said...

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary my dear!


Jenny Raye said...

Great photos! Happy Anniversary!!!

Olga said...

Aww, congratulations! And I think this means I've officially been reading your blog for a long time, because I think I remember your last anniversary! LOL!

Are you kidding me? Pea is TOTALLY going to get you that spinning wheel. Probably two.

Ragan said...

Wow...you even got married at a cool place...The Spinning Wheel Inn! Happy Anniversary!!!

Heide said...

Happy anniversary to you and Pete! You are the epitome of the beautiful June bride! I've got my fingers crossed for you to receive the coveted spinning wheel.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's 3 years since your wedding; happy anniversary! Pete needs to now bribe my mother-in-law to give up her recently acquired spinning wheel that she got at an auction just last week. Apparently it's missing a few pieces but I bet if you had a dad that's good with tools......
Hope you guys had a great anniversary and congrats on the website/classes....sounds like things are going well!

Love, Heidi, Zack and Camden

Sourire11 said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

That is a very cute story about long island... funny how things work out.

and I totally hope you get a spinning wheel!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary from me too. x

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! (sorry so late)

Jillio said...

awww...yay for happy anniversaries!

i could so totally go for mcdonald's fries right about now...

if only i didn't take my wallet out of my bag last night and stuck it in my knitting bag and left it at home.

genius, i tell you.


Kym said...

You guys are so cute! Happy Anniversary!! I bet you get your wheel :)

a friend to knit with said...

SOOO sweet!!! Happy Happy Anniversary! I know it is a little late.....hope it was great!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy Anniversary to the both of you - I wish you all the best, a lifetime of love and happiness!

~Kristie said...

Happy BELATED Anniversary!

I'll bet you that he buys you that spinning wheel on your 5th! He seems just the kind of guy to remember that comment and do it for you, but please try to act surprised ;-)

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