Friday, June 08, 2007

1 3/4 pairs of socks

I finished my Koigu socks a few weeks ago, but the missing blog-mojo prevented me from posting them.Koigu Socks

Garter Rib Socks from Sensational Knitted Socks
Cast On: 18 February 2007
Completed: 18 May 2007
Yarn: Koigu KPPPM Colorway P612 209
Needles: Addi 40" US2 (3.0 mm)
I haven't had much opportunity to wear these now that the warm weather is here, although the mornings and evenings have seemed more chilly than usual. In fact, I had these on last night.

Of course, since it is June I decided it was time to break out the summer sock yarn. I grabbed a pretty ball of Cascade Fixation and just cast on, making the pattern up as I went. One is already done, and the second is past the heel. Oh the joy of footie socks!!Fixation FootiesEye of the PartridgeIt's the first time I've done an Eye of the Partridge Heel, and I think it's gorgeous with this yarn!! These should be another FO by the end of the weekend. Hopefully it will still be chilly enough to wear them.


Theresa said...

Love the sock blockers - too adorable!

Elizabeth said...

Glad to see the mojo creeping back - just don't scare it away! I have some Cascade Fixation in my stash, and I've heard it calling over the past couple of days. I have two pair of footies already - more is better!

Cathy said...

Absolutely gorgeous Karen! I, too, love footies :)

Kristin said...

Very nice! I love the colors!

kathy b said...

I love fixation colors. The eye of partridge heel is so pretty. I guess I'll get motivated and try to do this heel. Thanks. Great images as always!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your ankle sock pattern! I am looking for a good one. never made any ankle socks before but I wear them heaps. Willing to share your pattern with me?

I do love the eye of partridge heel. It looks lovely.

Love the socks


Jenn said...

Very nice! I love having new socks - even if I can't wear them right away. I like to look forward to wearing them.

Anonymous said...

Awww, gorgeous socks - your color choices are always so perfect!

Sonya said...

I love both pairs! You just reminded me that I have some Fixation in my stash that you gave me. I think I need to knit it up now!

Anonymous said...

Let's have a WooHoo for the footies! And the heel really does look beautiful with this yarn.

Knitting in Pink said...

oooh pretty!

Anonymous said...

They heel is lovely!! Beautiful work!

Ragan said...

I am certainly impressed with your little footies, they are fantastic! The color..the heel...everything!
Also love the other pair too, hope they do not feel neglected because I chose to praise the footies first. Ha ha. :)

a friend to knit with said...

Yeah! Fall will be welcomed with this new pair of socks!
Love the pattern you are making up! And the yarn is great!

Kris said...

glad to see your mojo is returning. I think I may have found mine as well.

The eye of partridge is my favorite heel pattern. I love what it does in the handpainted type yarns!

I must get me some Fixation for the super-cute footies!

MissyJoon said...

Lovely--I have never used fixation--do you like it?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Kogiu socks and the summer socks are looking great as well!

Twinkerbell said...

K, I just have to say I absolutely love the heel on those socks! I need to get one of those books that just show you different sorts of ways to do different things with the different parts of the sock.

Olga said...

I just got that book! It's funny, because I'm seeing it mentioned everywhere now. Love your Koigu socks, and that fancy eye of the partridge heel is so pretty! I love Fixation, it's so comfy.

Sourire11 said...

Beautiful! Love the fixation heel... very summery.

Kym said...

Ooooh- those socks look so cute and cozy. great colorway!

Twinkerbell said...

Hey I was wondering if you had thought about maybe writing the pattern up for your footie socks??? If you did I would love to have a copy, if you wouldn't mind ;) hint hint hint, lol. I hope you are having a good week. Hope to hear from you soon.

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