Sunday, May 27, 2007

Perfect Day

  • Wake up to some great gifts from Pea, including these for my feet and sewing machine . . .
  • Out to a yummy brunch, complete with a mimosa
  • Off to a yarn store we'd never been to before (okay, this part was not so perfect, as it was not quite the yarn store for me and I left empty handed)
  • Off to a yarn store I knew I loved where I was told to pick out whatever I wanted. I got these which predict bags and shawls in my future. . .
  • Off to the mall for some shimmery nail polish
  • Home to give the pedicure stuff a try . . .
  • Dinner (and dessert) with the parents
  • Back home with some pretty new flowers for the porch (thanks Mom!!)

Too bad birthdays only come once a year.


Wannabe said...

What an awesome birthday Karen! I'm glad you had a happy one!!!

Knitting in Pink said...

Glad you had such a great day! : )

Elizabeth said...

Happy Birthday! I'm glad the weather cooperated, too.

Annie said...

Happy Birthday! I love days like that...

Confessions of a Knitting Diva said...

Happy Birthday!! I got that Noni bag pattern last year on my birthday! I haven't made it yet, but I hope to soon.

Jenn said...

Happy birthday!

Kristin said...

Happy Birthday! I'm glad you had such a great day! Can't wait to hear what you think of the sewing books! :)

KT said...

Awww...! Happy birthday! It sounds like a really wonderful day. :)

BTW, I'm heading home soon and want to check out some of the LYSs. Interested in a pseudo-yarn crawl?

Cathy said...

It sounds like you had the most wonderful day - I am so impressed with Pea! I hope the coming year brings you happiness, good health and lots of love!

Nathalie said...

happy happy birthday Karen! All the very best for the year ahead!

Sonya said...

Happy birthday, Karen! What a perfect day. Pea always does such a good job with gifts. I'm very impressed.

kathy b said...

Pea sure knows his girl! SOunds like a wonderful day. Ohhhhh I like your presents!

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday. Sounds like a wonderful day!

Jennifer said...

What a wonderful birthday! Happy Happy Birthday to you!

Gingersnaps with Tea... said...

Happy Birthday Karen. What a thoughtful family you have! Glad you had such a lovely day.

Chelle said...

Happy Birthday Karen! It does sound like the perfect day, especially the pedicure part!

Knittygoodness said...

That's my idea of a perfect birthday! Happy Birthday Karen!

Anonymous said...

Happy (belated) birthday, Karen. x

KeanaLee said...

Happy Birthday, great gifts...

Olga said...

Happy birthday, Karen! They may only come once a year, but I say you deserve to stretch it out...for a week, at least! Good work, Pea...not just the skirt book, but also the Amy Butler! Very cool.

~Kristie said...

Happy Belated Birthday Karen. I agree, birthdays should come more often. Pea did a WONDERFUL job on your gifts. What a fun day!

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy belated birthday, my friend! And what a wonderful day you had - I think a birthday couldn't be much more perfect than yours was!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Looks like it was good one!

Noey D. said...

Sounds like a lovely day! Love all your goodies. (and your toes are so cute!)

Anonymous said...

Belated happy birthday my dear (Blogger is now letting me comment!! yay)

I am glad you had a great day!


Heide said...

Happy late birthday Karen! I tried leaving a post earlier, but my aging eyes keep messing up the security code. Your day sounds like it was perfect and the yarn is scrumptious. You have lovely feet (mine are ugly and therefore remain covered). Hope you enjoy your 29th year;)

carrie said...

happy birthday to you, too! sounds like you had a perfect day as well. nothing beats a memorial day birthday!

Nancy said...

A very happy belated birthday!!!

MissyJoon said...

Happy Birthday--I am so glad you had a fun day! Pete's a keeper he knows just the gifts to buy! And I have always loved that noni bag!

Sourire11 said...

Happy Belated!!!! Looks like you had a perfect day.

somebunnysloveDOTcom said...

Wow! What an awesome time and goodies. Happy belated with lots of bunny hugs!

Melissa said...

Sorry I'm late. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
Glad to see that you were appropriately spoiled!

Ragan said...

I hope that you had a wonderful birthday! Sorry I missed it!!!! :)

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