Friday, May 11, 2007

Friday Sewing

For the past couple of weeks, I've been doing a small sewing project each Friday. First, I made some pajama bottoms, which I probably won't post until I make the top. (I have been wearing them - with a t-shirt though!!) Last week I got out my new Simple Sewing book and practiced my skills on a Simple Tote out of some (dorky) fabric scraps I had lying around. And this morning, I took the book out again and whipped up this little backpack.You can't really tell from the picture, but I split the pocket into three compartments. One for knitting needles, perhaps?? Well, only if I could be sure they wouldn't fall out!!


Theresa said...

I like seeing the sewing stuff, since I intend to get into it soon. Very inspiring.

Noey D. said...

Cute bag! I like that fabric. I've been thinking about pulling out the old sewing machine.

Melissa said...

Cute! I posted my ipod and transmitter pic for you!

Knitting in Pink said...

That's very cute!

jessica said...

How cool! I really want to teach myself to sew... that will make a great knitting bag! Fun fabric too!

Kristin said...

I LOVE it!!!!

KT said...

So cute! The sewing machine, to this day, freaks me out. I'll stick to my larger-and-less-pointy needles, thanks. :)

Sonya said...

Very cute! I've been wanting to learn to sew but we just don't have the space. When we add on to the cottage, there will absolutely be a craft room!

Chrissy said...

Cool! I'm glad I'm not the only one sewing.

Zonda said...

Well, I love it! too cute!

Heide said...

You are amazing! The backpack looks just fabulous!

~Kristie said...

I love the fabric combo and colors! What a great backpack that must be.

Olga said...

So, so cute! You're really becoming a whiz on the machine! Isn't the instant gratification great?

somebunnysloveDOTcom said...

Awesome bag! Perfect for carrying knitterly projects. ;)
Bunny hugs,

Anonymous said...

love the sewing!! I really gotta get my butt into gear and do some sewing sooner or later!


yarnmaniac said...

Karen, nice bag! Wish I could sew.

I am tagging you for a meme on my blog. Check it out if you want!


Anonymous said...

What a really, really cute backpack this is - I'm totally in love with it!!!!

a friend to knit with said...

WOW! I need to get that book!
I love Love LOVE this!

The fabric is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Cute backpack and great fabric!

Ragan said...

I love the bag, and the colors do not look dorky! Love them. I cannot wait to see the pajamas that you made. I usually make those for the kiddies here. the summer when I have time. :)
Thank you for all the lovely comments!

MissyJoon said...

FABULOUS! but this is the norm for you!!!!!!

I love it-xoxo

Cathy said...

GREAT JOB Karen! The bag came out beautifully! :)

Fields of Heather said...

Wow-where did you find that pretty fabric? I love it!

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