Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A bit of a funk . . .

I had planned to post pictures of my Kiri shawl and the wedding from Sunday, but I'm having a hard time getting in the right frame of mind for it. Here in New England, we were hit with a terrible Nor'easter on Sunday. Luckily, it didn't take away from the happiness at the wedding (although most of my pictures are rather crappy). But on Monday as we drove home, we saw first hand the devastation it left. We passed a small dam and were surprised to see the same kind of mist you'd see at Niagara Falls. The amount of water pouring through and the sheer force it had was incredible. As we drove down-stream, we were not prepared for the flooding we saw. Houses with their entire yards under water, houses where only the second floor was visible, and sometimes, just a roof sticking out of the water. It was terrible.

Once we got home and turned on the T.V., we heard about what had happened at Virginia Tech. As the details continue to trickle out, I feel sicker and sicker about each fact I hear.

So in lieu some meaningless pictures of my shawl, let's take a minute to think about how precious and fragile life is. Hug the ones you love, and tell them how happy you are to have them in your life. For just this once, knitting can wait.


Melissa said...

Wonderful post. I agree.

Twinkerbell said...

Wow! Love your blog :)I want to work on that Monkey sock pattern soon. I'll be using Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock For them. I'm hoping that two hanks will work up a pair. I am just getting started on this knitting blog thing, and I was wondering how people get the "On The Sticks" project completion percentages on their blogs. If you could point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it :) Once again I really enjoyed stopping by your blog, it was fun!

Anonymous said...

Well said!

Sonya said...

I agree, Karen. Did you guys have any damage from the storm?

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

You are so right.

Jennifer said...

I couldn't agree more. Stay safe from the horrible weather.

Kym said...

Agreed, very well said.

*hug* glad we are blog friends :)

Anonymous said...

I also agree, very well said. There's not many words left for all this sadness - sending big hugs to you.

Kristin said...

I, too, have been sick over the murders at Virginia Tech. Every new detail that comes out is even more disturbing than the last. What a senseless tragedy. It really makes me hope that as a teacher I might be able to get through to someone who might so depressed or at least pick up on it and contact the appropriate authorities. Knowing how hard this hit me, I can't even begin to imagine what the people in Blacksburg are going through.

Flooding is very scary too. It happens so fast and there's not much you can do to stop it. Where in CT was the flooding you mentioned? The news up here is kind of it's own little "bubble". Doesn't report much on nearby locations! Thank goodness for cable news, otherwise I would have to move back to CT for "real news".

Sorry for the super long comment!

Anonymous said...

Well said, Karen. I hope your storm damage is minimum.

Olga said...

Thank you for writing such a thoughtful post, sweetie.

Jillio said...

and when you're ready, SHOW US THE SHAWL!

Anonymous said...

Very well said my dear, very well said.


kathy b said...

Hugs right back to YOU! take a beak from the media. Many people did wonderful acts of kindness this week too. Babies were born! (I know) Babies who were in the hospital for weeks went home!

Well wait for the wedding pics. Your shawl is a lovely peaceful thing, cannot wait to see more

MissyJoon said...

You look terrific! And so does your shawl! xo

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