Saturday, March 24, 2007

Yarn P*rn of the Week

Since it seems I've lost the ability to stick to a schedule, I've decided to change Yarn P*rn Friday to Yarn P*rn of the Week. WIP Wednesday will become WIP of the Week also. This way, if I miss a Wednesday or a Friday, I don't need to stress myself out about it.

So, on to the yarn!!

This is a pretty skein of Mama-E's C*Eye*Ber Fiber Sock in a colorway called Mermaids, and it's one of the first skeins of sock yarn I'd ever bought. On a whim, I checked my PayPal records to see how long ago I purchased this skein, and it was exactly a year ago today!!! I'd say it's high time I knit it up. It's destined to be cast on soon and become Monkeys.


Stephanie said...

That should look good. I haven't seen that pattern knitted up yet.

Elizabeth said...

I love the Monkey pattern - it knits up so quickly. And it shows color nicely - those will be beautiful socks for spring.

Jenn said...

I think that is a great pairing of yarn and pattern - and very springy!

Nancy said...

That yarn would look great as monkey-socks.

Olga said...

That's so pretty! I love pink and green together.

Sonya said...

Perfect sock yarn for spring!

Anonymous said...

OOOOH I can comment!!!

That wool is gorgeous!!! Its a little likt my watermelon colourway!

Cant wait to see it at Monkeys!


Zonda said...

That is perfect for Monkeys!! Go you!!...walks off to start Monkey sock 2...

Jennifer said...

That will be gorgeous as Monkeys!

cpurl17 said...

Great colors for spring socks--and monkeys will look great in that pattern!!

Melissa said...

I think you bought that about the time I bought puppymomma from her. Gorgeous yarn!!

Kristin said...

I haven't been brave enough to try socks yet. Maybe if I had yarn that pretty... :)

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Gorgeous and appropriate for spring. It looks like I'll have to give those Monkeys a try as well as it seems to be the thing to do these days!

Anonymous said...

Pretty yarn! I think it'll make excellent Monkey socks!

Heide said...

Beautiful yarn! I've been admiring the monkey pattern too. Can't wait to see how yours turn out. Happy knitting.

Cathy said...

Beautiful Karen and I see no reason why you can't have eye candy and fiber days whenever you like ;)

MissyJoon said...

You will love that pattern---I love your yarn!!! xoxo

Kym said...

Pink and green is one of my favorite color combos. It always looks so happy and fresh.

BTW, good job on your mileage- you're almost there!

Anonymous said...

It's perfect for Monkey!

Anonymous said...

Pretty!! That yarn will make awesome Monkey sockage :o)

Zarzuela said...

Oooooh good choice! Her stuff is just great isn't it?


jessica said...

beautiful! I love the colors, so spring! Cant wait to see your progress!

Anonymous said...

Perfect decision about the "... of the week" thing - this way you won't get stressed out with having to stick to a certain day!
And gosh, this yarn goodie - reminds me of summer and a fruity mint-strawberry-sorbet - yummy!!!

~Kristie said...

I think that yarn will be PERFECT for Monkey. That yarn is so pretty and spring-like. Actually, it looks like mint and cotton candy. Mmm... must be lunch time.

Kimberly said...

Oh that yarn!! I'm so in love with those colors together. How yummy!

Ragan said...

Ok, I am still catching up. You sure have been busy!

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