Thursday, October 26, 2006

The genorosity of knitters!!

Take a look at my final Walk-A-Thon total!!! Chrissy donated a whopping $450 from the Walk-A-Thon sock pattern to put me will over the $1000 mark!! Thank you so much Chrissy, and everyone who pledged and bought the pattern. I remain speechless by how well the fund-raising went!

I'd like to draw your attention to another excellent cause.The Soaring Eagles Project

This project is all about sending some hand-knit presents to some underprivileged kids. The hats, gloves and scarves they receive may very well be their only Christmas gifts this year. You can find out more by reading the first post on the Soaring Eagles blog. If you have some time, I urge you to knit up a hat and donate to the cause.

On a completely unrelated note, guess what I'll be doing for the next four days? OH. MY. GOODNESS. Wow!!! Those of you who are big skating fans like me know just how thrilling this will be!!! We have tickets to all four days and will be allowed to sit in for the practice sessions also. So if you don't hear much from me until next week, you'll know I'm in Skating Heaven!!!!


Scoutj said...

That's fantastic!

MissyJoon said...

Hooray for all the oney you raised! I am so happy I could be a small part of it!
And I love, love love the button you designed!
Have fun at the rink!!!! xo

Heide said...

Congratulations on kicking butt on the diabetes fund raiser! The skating show sounds great. I hope you have a really good time.

Sonya said...

Way to go on the money raising! That is so cool. Have a great time this weekend! Sounds like fun (even if it doesn't involve knitting.)

Anonymous said...

Yay for your Walk-A-Thon total, this is absolutely amazing! And thanks for sharing that link to The Soaring Eagles Project, will have to check that out right away!
Have a lot of fun in Ice Skating Heaven! ;)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you broke the $1k mark! :o)

Have fun at skating - I'm a little jealous!

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful you surpassed your mark!

Have a great at the skating event can't wait to hear about it when you come back!

Confessions of a Knitting Diva said...

I love to watch skating on t.v. It would be so neat to be able to go in person. I'm glad you get to fulfill your dreams. I check out the Soaring Eagles Project and I will try to get some hats made. I feel so terrible for the kids dealing with so much at such young ages. If knitting something can bring joy to these children, I am all for helping. Have a great weekend!

Kym said...

Congrats on meeting your goal- that's wonderful!

I hadn't heard of the soaring eagles project before- I'll check it out.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD!!! Mom and I used to watch all the skating events together! That's SO COOOOOOOL.

Okay, < /drooling>.

Congrats on hitting your goal, too. :)

Ragan said...

Oh my! Twice! I am so glad to hear that you have met your goal. And, I know that you will have a great time watching the skating! We used to go to the Ice Capades in Montreal when I was a kid, and it was the highlight of my winter. :)

Fields of Heather said...

Congratulations on surpassing your fundraising goal! Way to go!

And thanks for the info on the Soaring Eagles Project. Its so sad-kids should always come first. I have a hat I just finished that might be just right...

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