Last night we got some pretty severe thunderstorms. Pea and I were sure we would lose power, but luckily the lights stayed on. However, all of my tomato and corn plants were lying flat in the garden this morning. If I were a good blogger I would have remembered to take a picture to show you. In a feeble attempt to redeem myself, I will show you that I have them all staked up again and they are still looking very happy.Hopefully we'll be dining on home-grown vegetables soon!! I don't know why I planted the tall ones in the front and the short ones in the back . . . but I did. In the first row you see tomatoes and red and yellow peppers. The second row is the same, along with some corn. And in the back you see yellow squash and cucumbers. All the plants are flowering so hopefully we'll see some vegetables soon.
The best thing about the storms were that they ushered in some blissfully cool air!! I haven't even put on my ceiling fans today and I'm not the least bit hot. And, the repair shop called this morning to say they have fixed our big A/C unit!! Next time a heat-wave hits, we should be able to keep the whole downstairs at a reasonable temperature. Whoopee!!!
With a reprieve from the heat, I'm starting to get the itch to knit and sew again. I haven't picked up the needles since Saturday, and I'm in deep withdrawal. But I do have some "old" knitting to show you. I whipped this little baby out a few weeks ago.
Cast On: July 1, 2006
Completed: July 6, 2006
Yarn: Lily Sugar 'N Cream in Summer Splash
I love this fun bag!! It was a really easy and quick knit, and the finished bag is super stretchy (which is why the picture looks distorted). I picked this color cotton with the idea of making a "pool bag" - something to carry my bathing suit and towel in when we go to our friend's pool. Once it was finished, I was sure it looked to small to fit a towel . . . but this thing S - T - R - E - T - C - H - E - S!!! My stuff fits in just fine.
Want to see what I've got inside today? First up, another fun little knit I whipped out.

Cast On: July 13, 2006
Completed: July 14, 2006
Yarn: Left-over Trekking XXL from my Ocean Socks
I'm becoming quite the Pepperknit groupie, having received her two sock patterns and then knitting up this little beauty. I love headbands on other people, but never really like them on myself - but this pattern really appealed to me because the headband is nice and skinny. It only take a few hours to knit, and is the perfect use for some left-over sock yarn!
Next up, my Picovoli in progress!

Cute FO's! I love the color of your embossed leaves sock. Good luck on getting its mate done in time!
The market bag & the headband look like great summer projects! :) I'll have to hold onto those projects.
The sock & the sweater are also looking great! Glad to hear that you're getting a reprive from the heat for a bit. :)
Let's see a shot with the headband on! :) I love that color blue; it'll look really great against your dark hair. Nice progress on so much else, too. This week, with all the heat, has really taken a toll on my own knitting.
Lucky you for having had a thunderstorm to cool things down a bit - we're still waiting for one here!
You've sure been a busy knitter these past days/weeks - I absolutely love the bag you did as well as the headband which is so cool! Picovoli is coming along so fine, and wow, your Embossed Leaves are great! I got the pattern now as well and will start them soonest possible - they're so gorgeous!
Isn't this weather great! Much more energy when the heat doesn't drain it out of you.
I love the market bag - I'm adding it to my list of gift ideas for Christmas, though I might get sick of it if I try to make more than a couple. So, better start now!
Fun Stuff! I've got to try the market bag. It looks so cute (and useful). Glad things have cooled down and your AC has recovered.
I love the market bag colors, and I love that quick and easy pattern!
I also think I am a peppermint groupie, although my hair is too short for her headband.
Doesn't it fiigure, the heat has broken and the air conditioners are ready to roll . . .
Wow! Look at all of your wonderful projects! They all look great - and I'm glad to hear that it's a bit cooler for someone!
Wow. I'm glad someone's been knitting! I love that bag.....can't decide if I want to make it or wait for Eunny's version!
You are cranking out the FOs for someone who hasn't been knitting! I love the color of your Pico. Isn't the Shine great to knit with? I think I'm going to have to give the lacey headband a try. Sometimes I'd like my hair out of my face without being in a ponytail. So glad you've got cooler weather.
There is nothing else as satisfying as growing your own fresh fruits and vegetables. Be cautioned though, it's addicting. You start with a small patch and before you know it you end up with boxes or beds all over. It's kind of like knitting. Speaking of which, I love your FOs. I haven't had much knitting time this week, but I can't wait to try Picovoli again. Yours looks fabulous! Cheers.
What a great bunch of FOs. I love the market bag!!
Amanda :)
You've got lot's of beautiful knits there!
You've been a busy girl! So much to comment on....The Market Bag is really cute, love the colorway. I started that one, but seem to have lost track of it! I'm a fan of Minty over at Pepperknit too! Been meaning to knit that headband for Noey. and your Picovoli is coming along great. Pretty color!
wow, you've been super busy, even in the ridiculous heat! I totally love the saturday market bag... it looks really handy and so much better than those silly plastic grocery bags. tres chic!
No moss grows on your needles ;o)
Those are some great FO's!
So I see your knitting is growing on bushes as well! I though only mine are that magical. ;o)
Wow! Look at all of that lovely knitting, it really enhances your scenery! :)
Beautiful stuff!!!!
Your bag looks great! I would love to put a picture and a link to this post in my gallery. Just e-mail me all the info.
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