Over the weekend I managed to complete another project. I was going to do my FO post yesterday, but I got side-tracked by the memory meme. (By the way, you guys are awesome!! Your "memories" had me laughing out loud.)
So, here in all their LARGE glory, I present to you, The Jolly Green Giants.
Details here
These started out as slippers for my 6'2" brother for Christmas. I inadvertently bought worsted yarn instead of chunky, and they are quite thin, but I'll wear them in the spring. After I knit the first one and decided it wouldn't be warm enough, I put them aside until last week. I used this pattern, which is supposed to be one size fits all, but they are very big on me. Next time I will eliminate a few rows (or maybe try the pattern featured today on my Knitting Pattern A Day calendar).
My real goal was to make slippers like my Grandmother used to knit for us. I think this pattern is pretty close. Here is the last pair she made me (they have holes in the bottom, but I still can't throw them out), next to the Green Giants.

On a completely unrelated subject (which also has nothing to do with knitting), here is what Pea brought home from work yesterday!!

Happy New Year, Karen!! I've got a LOT of blog-reading to catch-up on, but I'll get through it soon, promise! ;-) LOVE the Jolly Green Giants! They look so comfy, and they look an awful lot like the ones your Grandmother made. She'd definitely be very proud of you! I saw a similar pattern in the Knitting Pattern a Day calendar, and I think I might give it a try, too, for house slippers. Pea is such a sweetie...those daisies are so beautiful and cheerful, and definitely well-deserved. ;-) Take care!! :-)
Nice slippers! My first pair I forgot to look at the ball band of the yarn I bought and purchased one ball of worsted and one of bulky. One was a wee bit more substantial, to say the least and I had no idea why until about a month later when I was in the same store looking at yarn (with a little more knowledge at that point). Boy did I feel blonde that day (which isn't a rarity, trust me.)
I have one of those men, too. I love it! Those flowers are gorgeous!
The slippers look very familiar. My grandmother, hungarian, used to make such slippers too. My father still has some his mother knitted for him. Truth be told, I don't have the urge to knit those! Green giants, very green! Love your flowers too.
How sweet of your hubby!! Your slippers are really cute.
awww, how cute is that of Sweetpea!?!!? the flowers are absolutely gorgeous! i feel happy just looking at them :)
and am i correctly deducing that those jolly green giants were the WIP's you had flashed on your secret santa needles? heehee...
and since we're recalling our keen observation skills, you're getting to be VERY keen in regards to deconstructing knitwork! little things like holding more than one color together...only a knitter could appreciate that kind of detail! of course, you have to be careful in differentiating whether it's two separate yarns held together or two colors PLIED together ;) i love it when i go to the store and look at knitted garments; i feel so triumphant when i am able to figure out the construction! i think to myself "well, that doesn't look so hard!"
great job on the jolly green giants! i'll have to get over my aversion to seaming right quick so i can make myself a pair (and finish a couple of sweaters in the next week or so).
Oh, those daisies are wonderful; so yellow! And Pea is clearly a wonderful husband. Love the jolly greens. I've only made a couple pairs of socks for DH because his feet are so dang big!
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