This morning started much like any other Monday. The alarm clock went off way too early. I packed a lunch for Pete, threw on some sweats, and headed out to drive him to the train station. As we neared the end of our street, I heard Pete yell. Then I heard a crunch. Then the car began to spin and I realized it was no longer under my control. Luckily, this all happened in a flash and before I knew it our poor car was wedged into the snow and ice on the side of the road. We were stuck, but we were both just fine. Everyone in the other car was fine too.
My blood sugars stayed amazingly stable throughout the ordeal. I knew that once the adrenaline subsided and the stress took over, they were likely to skyrocket. But I can take it. All that matters is that everyone involved in the accident is fine. And now that I am starting to feel completely frazzled? I’m going to grab my knitting and let it sooth me. It really is the best therapy around!
What do you think non-knitters do after a crisis? (Probably drink . . . )
Knitting and yep - drinking =)
Oh Karen Honey
I am so sorry. SOmeone at work sunday morning got into an accident on the way in. THis weather is just so hard on everyone. She had to work all day after being so shook up. I hate car things. I am so glad you are okay.
After a crisis , I talk talk talk. I walk and walk and walk And I have a glass of wine. I count my blessings too!
Yikes! That is very scary. I'm glad everyone is OK. Drink or eat chocolate? That's what I'm guessing the non-knitters (and knitters) go to for a quick fix.
Ugh. That stinks. :(
So glad everyone is okay.
Thank goodness everyone is all right! I think I just might have to go knit a bit now! Or maybe a drink first, then knitting.
I'm so glad no one was hurt!
Good to hear everyone is fine. Stay calm and knit.
Oh gosh --- I'm so sorry you had a wreck. The car doesn't look too bad. Hope you can get it fixed up quickly.
So glad you are okay - what a drag though. Yes, I would have a big glass of wine after that accident.
Yikes! I am so glad you guys are okay!
So glad that you are OK! I am sorry that you had such a scare, though. This weather is awful. I'm not really a drinker, but a huge cup of tea and a sugary something usually help me to calm down and soothe my wounded self. :)
Ouch! So glad that everyone is safe. Hope getting the car fixed is hassle free. Knit on my friend!
I am so glad everyone is okay!
Yikes! Glad you are well. I remember breaking my ankle on a playground with my kids when they were younger. Just getting to my car, keeping them calm etc and the huge amount of pain and stress caused my sugars to plunge and then a short time later skyrocket.
I'm always explaining to others that off all the factors that can affect my glucose levels, I can only control 3, food, exercise and insulin. And not always reliable at that!
Having been in several accidents myself, I'm glad to hear no one was hurt. Cars can be repaired or replaced.
I must confess I'm one knitter that would happily enjoy an adult beverage after a fender-bender. That and some knitting.
Glad everyone involved is OK!! If that were me, I'd be drinking and knitting :o)
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