Friday, March 26, 2010

Y@rn P0rn Friday . . . Rocking Prize Edition

Hey, what do we have here??
This deserves some closer inspection!!
A while ago I won a contest over at Melissa's blog.  Well, to be completely honest, I didn't even realize it was a contest!!  See, she signed up for a charity run for St. Jude's and I contributed.  Out of the goodness of her heart, she drew a name from all of her contributors to win a prize.  And the name that came out was mine!  Look what I won!

Socks That Rock!!!
That's right! A gorgeous skein of Socks That Rock Lightweight.  The colorway is called Rainforest Jasper and I couldn't love it more.

Beautiful shades of turquoise on one end.
Lovely earth tones on the other end.
Thank you, Melissa, for the lovey prize. I can't wait to cast on a pair of socks with it!!! Although it looks like I may have a bit of trouble getting it away from a certain someone who is also quite taken with it.

Mine, mine, mine, all mine!!!!


Estella said...

Lucky you! The colors are divine!

bmom said...

Wow! Two posts in two days.

That yarn should take the sting from the needle malfunction -- it's beautiful.

marnie said...

Pretty yarn... pretty cat... lucky you!! I feel your pain about the needle malfunction... it's happened to me more than once... note to self, invest in some point protectors.

marnie said...

OK, I'll admit, I've only had a cable break once. It totally sucked. What usually happens is I get the needle caught on something and rip it right out! Your cat is so lovely! I'm going to look at a rescue cat tomorrow. It's been 2+ years since I lost my Billy at the ripe old age of 21. Don't know what Ginger is going to think.

Elisabeth said...

One of our kitties liked to make practically any soft skein of yarn into his "child." He would carry it around the house and meow and purr at it all them time. I had to start being sure to put my softest yarns out of his reach, but I did give him an unused swatch of a soft yarn that he would carry around instead.

Melissa said...

woo hoo. Glad you liked it!!

Zonda said...

Oh goodness, now you gotta share your yarn ;)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the win. That's some pretty yarn! (and a cute kitty too)

kathy b said...

KC has excellent taste. I'll cast on some socks tonight if I can keep the sleepy eyes open!

knitseashore said...

At first I thought K.C. was the prize and the yarn was added to the photo to show off her pretty fur. :) I do love that aqua color and I know you'll have fun deciding what socks to make with it!

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